Default values for various variables are defined here.


./advagg.module, line 8


Titre Trier par ordre décroissant Nom du fichier Résumé
ADVAGG_ADMIN_CONFIG_ROOT_PATH ./advagg.module Default location of AdvAgg configuration items.
ADVAGG_ADMIN_MODE ./advagg.module If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.
ADVAGG_AJAX_RENDER_ALTER ./advagg.module Set to FALSE to not alter the CSS/JS pushed out from AdvAgg.
ADVAGG_AUTH_BASIC_PASS ./advagg.module Workaround for 401 errors.
ADVAGG_AUTH_BASIC_USER ./advagg.module Workaround for 401 errors.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_ACTIVE advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value to see if the bundler should be active or passive.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_ADMIN_MODE advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_GROUPING_LOGIC advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value to for bundler, set to file size.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_CSS advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default for maximum number of CSS bundles used in a themes region.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_JS advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default for maximum number of JS bundles used in a themes region.
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_OUTDATED advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default of the last used time before the bundle is considered outdated.
ADVAGG_CACHE_LEVEL ./advagg.module Default value to see if we cache the full CSS/JS structure.
ADVAGG_CHROME_HEADER_ENABLED ./advagg.module If true chrome=1 will be added to the X-UA-Compatible header.
ADVAGG_CLEAR_SCRIPTS ./advagg.module Empty the scripts key inside of template_process_html replacement function.
ADVAGG_COMBINE_CSS_MEDIA ./advagg.module Combine css files by using media queries instead of media attributes.
ADVAGG_CONVERT_ABSOLUTE_TO_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE_PATH ./advagg.module Convert absolute path CSS/JS src/url() to be protocol relative.
ADVAGG_CONVERT_ABSOLUTE_TO_RELATIVE_PATH ./advagg.module Convert absolute path CSS/JS src/url() to be relative if self referencing.
ADVAGG_CRON_FREQUENCY ./advagg.module How long to wait until advagg cron will run again. Default is 23 hours.
ADVAGG_CSS_ABSOLUTE_PATH ./advagg.module Convert relative path CSS inside src() to be absolute.
ADVAGG_CSS_CDN_JQUERY_UI advagg_css_cdn/advagg_css_cdn.module Default value to see if jquery-ui should be grabbed from the Google CDN.
ADVAGG_CSS_CDN_JQUERY_UI_VERSION advagg_css_cdn/advagg_css_cdn.module Default jquery ui version.
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESSOR advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value for which css compression library to use. 0 is Disabled.
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESSOR_FILE_SETTINGS advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value for per file compression settings.
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_INLINE advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to see what compressor to use. 0 is Disabled.
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_INLINE_IF_NOT_CACHEABLE advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to if inline compression is used if page is not cacheable.
ADVAGG_CSS_FIX_TYPE ./advagg.module Scan and fix any CSS that was added with the wrong type.
ADVAGG_CSS_IN_JS ./advagg.module If TRUE then the css is being rendered via javascript.
ADVAGG_CSS_REMOVE_EMPTY_FILES ./advagg.module If TRUE advagg will search for and remove empty CSS files from aggregates.
ADVAGG_DEBUG ./advagg.module Default value for debugging info to watchdog.
ADVAGG_DISABLE_ON_ADMIN ./advagg.module If TRUE advagg will be disabled on admin pages.
ADVAGG_DISABLE_ON_LISTED_PAGES ./advagg.module Internal urls set here will have advagg disabled on those pages.
ADVAGG_ENABLED ./advagg.module Default value to see if advanced CSS/JS aggregation is enabled.
ADVAGG_FARFUTURE_PHP ./advagg.module If TRUE farfuture headers will go out if the file is delivered by php.
ADVAGG_FAST_FILESYSTEM ./advagg.module Do more file operations in main thread if the file system is fast.
ADVAGG_FILE_READ_FAILURE_TIMEOUT ./advagg.module How long to wait until an aggregate with a missing file is written to disk.
ADVAGG_FONT_ADD_TO_CRITICAL_CSS advagg_font/advagg_font.module Default value to include font info in critical css.
ADVAGG_FONT_COOKIE advagg_font/advagg_font.module Default value to use a cookie in order to prevent the FOUT.
ADVAGG_FONT_FONTFACEOBSERVER advagg_font/advagg_font.module Default value to use font face observer for asynchronous font loading.
ADVAGG_FONT_NO_FOUT advagg_font/advagg_font.module Default value to only replace the font if it's been downloaded.
ADVAGG_FONT_STORAGE advagg_font/advagg_font.module Default value to use localStorage in order to prevent the FOUT.
ADVAGG_FORCE_HTTPS_PATH ./advagg.module Convert absolute path CSS/JS src/url() to be https.
ADVAGG_GLOBAL_COUNTER ./advagg.module Default value of counter.
ADVAGG_GZIP ./advagg.module Default value to see if .gz files should be created as well.
ADVAGG_HTACCESS_CHECK_GENERATE ./advagg.module Generate a .htaccess file in the AdvAgg dirs.
ADVAGG_HTACCESS_REWRITEBASE ./advagg.module If not empty advagg htaccess will include the given rewritebase.
ADVAGG_HTACCESS_SYMLINKSIFOWNERMATCH ./advagg.module If true advagg htaccess Options uses SymLinksIfOwnerMatch vs FollowSymLinks.
ADVAGG_HTML_HEAD_IN_CSS_LOCATION ./advagg.module If TRUE drupal_get_html_head will be rendered at the top of the css section.
ADVAGG_HTTP_200_CODE ./advagg.module Default is 200; 203 has been requested in the past.
ADVAGG_IE_CSS_SELECTOR_LIMITER ./advagg.module Prevent more than 4095 css selector rules inside of a CSS aggregate.
ADVAGG_IE_CSS_SELECTOR_LIMITER_VALUE ./advagg.module The value the IE css selector should use.
ADVAGG_INCLUDE_BASE_URL ./advagg.module Include the base_url global as part of the hooks hash array.
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_COMPRESSION advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default minification.
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default value to see if jquery should be grabbed from the Google CDN.
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY_UI advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default value to see if jquery-ui should be grabbed from the Google CDN.
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY_UI_VERSION advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default jquery ui version.
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY_VERSION advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default jquery version.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESSOR advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see what compressor to use. 0 is Disabled.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESSOR_FILE_SETTINGS advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value for per file compression settings.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_ADD_LICENSE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to if inline compression is used if page is not cacheable.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_INLINE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see what compressor to use. 0 is Disabled.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_INLINE_IF_NOT_CACHEABLE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to if inline compression is used if page is not cacheable.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_MAX_RATIO advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value for the compression ratio test.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_PACKER advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see packer is enabled.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_RATIO advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value for the compression ratio test.
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_REFRESH_BEFORE_CACHE_TTL advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to refresh the data in the cache 1 week before the TTL expires.
ADVAGG_JS_FIX_TYPE ./advagg.module Scan and fix any JS that was added with the wrong type.
ADVAGG_JS_HEADER_LENGTH ./advagg.module How far down a JS file to look for use strict.
ADVAGG_JS_REMOVE_EMPTY_FILES ./advagg.module If TRUE advagg will search for and remove empty JS files from aggregates.
ADVAGG_MOD_ADMIN_MODE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_ADJUST_SORT_BROWSERS advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of browser conditional CSS.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_ADJUST_SORT_EXTERNAL advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of external CSS.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_ADJUST_SORT_INLINE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of inline CSS.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to use JavaScript to defer CSS loading.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_ADMIN advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to use JavaScript to defer CSS loading in the admin theme.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value of the inlined css size.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_JS_CODE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value of the inclusion method for the loadCSS code.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_REL_PRELOAD advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value of the inclusion method for the loadCSS code for rel=preload.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_SKIP_FIRST_FILE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to not defer the first CSS file.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_DEFER_VISIBILITY advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_HEAD_EXTRACT advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to move CSS into drupal_add_css().
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_PREPROCESS advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to turn on preprocessing for all CSS files.
ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_TRANSLATE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to translate the content attributes of CSS files.
ADVAGG_MOD_DEFER_INLINE_JS_SKIP_LIST advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value for inline scripts that should not be deferred.
ADVAGG_MOD_GA_INLINE_TO_FILE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to convert inline GA code into file.
ADVAGG_MOD_INLINE_CRITICAL_CSS_STRIP_IMPORTANT advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default to strip !important from inline critical css.
ADVAGG_MOD_INLINE_CSS_VISIBILITY advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value.
ADVAGG_MOD_INLINE_JS_VISIBILITY advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value.
ADVAGG_MOD_INLINE_VISIBILITY advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ADJUST_SORT_BROWSERS advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of browser conditional JavaScript.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ADJUST_SORT_EXTERNAL advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of external JavaScript.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ADJUST_SORT_INLINE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to adjust the sorting of inline JavaScript.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ASYNC advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to have async on all JS script tags.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ASYNC_IN_HEADER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to move async js to the header.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_ASYNC_SHIM advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to add use the async script shim for script tags.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_DEFER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to add the defer tag to all script tags.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_DEFER_INLINE_ALTER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to wrap inline content javascript so it runs deferred.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_DEFER_JQUERY advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to defer jquery.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_FOOTER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to move all JS to the footer.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_FOOTER_INLINE_ALTER advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to wrap inline content javascript so it runs when it is ready.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_HEAD_EXTRACT advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to move JavaScript into drupal_add_js().
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_INLINE_RESOURCE_HINTS advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to scan html for src tags and do resource hints on it.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_NO_AJAXPAGESTATE advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to remove ajaxPageState if ajax.js is not used.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_PREPROCESS advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to turn on preprocessing for all JavaScript files.
ADVAGG_MOD_JS_REMOVE_UNUSED advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to remove JavaScript if none was added on the page.
ADVAGG_MOD_PREFETCH advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value to use the prefetch tag for certain domains.
ADVAGG_MOD_VISIBILITY_FILE_CONTROLLED advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Turns on functionality if there is a file matching the page pattern.
ADVAGG_MOD_VISIBILITY_LISTED advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Turns on functionality only on the listed pages (whitelist).
ADVAGG_MOD_VISIBILITY_NOTLISTED advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Turns on functionality on every page except the listed pages (blacklist).
ADVAGG_MOD_VISIBILITY_PHP advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Turns on functionality if the associated PHP code returns TRUE.
ADVAGG_MOD_WRAP_INLINE_JS_SKIP_LIST advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value for inline scripts that should not be altered.
ADVAGG_MOD_WRAP_INLINE_JS_XPATH advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Default value for detection of inline scripts.
ADVAGG_NEEDS_UPDATE ./advagg.module TRUE when db table 'advagg_aggregates_versions' is missing in advagg_enable.
ADVAGG_NO_LOCKS ./advagg.module If FALSE lock_acquire is used before writing a file.
ADVAGG_NO_ZOPFLI ./advagg.module Default value to see zopfli_encode should not be used.
ADVAGG_PREGENERATE_AGGREGATE_FILES ./advagg.module Pregenerate aggregate files.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_ADMIN_MODE advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if CSS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for blacklisted CSS domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FILES_BLACKLIST advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for blacklisted CSS files.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FONT_DOMAINS advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for supported CSS font domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_EXTERNAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if css inlining external css is enabled.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_IMPORT advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if css inlining import is enabled.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_MIN_TTL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_TTL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_DIRECTORY advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for where relocated files are kept.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for blacklisted JS domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBDS_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if fbds JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if fbevents JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL_IDS advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for list of fbevents.js pixel ids.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FILES_BLACKLIST advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value for blacklisted JS files.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GA_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if GA JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GTM_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if GTM JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_LINKEDIN_INSIGHT_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_MIN_TTL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PERFECTAUDIENCE_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if perfectaudience JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PIWIK_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if piwik JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TTL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TWITTER_UWT_LOCAL advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_REMOTE_VERSION_CHECK ./advagg.module Check library versions on admin pages.
ADVAGG_REMOVE_MISSING_FILES_FROM_DB_TIME ./advagg.module How long to wait until unaccessed aggregates are removed from the database.
ADVAGG_REMOVE_OLD_UNUSED_AGGREGATES_TIME ./advagg.module How long to wait until unaccessed aggregates are removed from the database.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_DNS_PREFETCH ./advagg.module Prefetch External domains for CSS/JS.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_LOCATION ./advagg.module Location of CSS/JS and sub requests resource hints.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_PRECONNECT ./advagg.module Preconnect External domains for CSS/JS.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_PRELOAD ./advagg.module Preload CSS/JS and sub requests.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_PRELOAD_MAX_SIZE ./advagg.module Preload CSS/JS header limit 3kb.
ADVAGG_RESOURCE_HINTS_USE_IMMUTABLE ./advagg.module If false do not set the immutable header.
ADVAGG_ROOT_DIR_PREFIX ./advagg.module Default root dir for the advagg files; controls advagg_get_root_files_dir().
ADVAGG_RUN_ALTER_AFTER_THEME ./advagg.module Run advagg* js_alter and css_alter after all others including theme hooks.
ADVAGG_SCRIPTS_SCOPE_ANYWHERE ./advagg.module Allow JavaScript insertion into any scope even if theme does not support it.
ADVAGG_SERIALIZE ./advagg.module Function to use when converting a non scalar to a string.
ADVAGG_SHOW_BYPASS_COOKIE_MESSAGE ./advagg.module Display a message that the bypass cookie is set.
ADVAGG_SHOW_FILE_CHANGED_MESSAGE ./advagg.module Display a message that the a CSS/JS file has changed.
ADVAGG_SKIP_304_CHECK ./advagg.module If true do test for 304 files on the status report page.
ADVAGG_SKIP_ENABLED_PREPROCESS_CHECK ./advagg.module Skip preprocess check on status page.
ADVAGG_SKIP_FAR_FUTURE_CHECK ./advagg.module Skip far future check on status page.
ADVAGG_SKIP_GZIP_CHECK ./advagg.module Skip gzip check on status page.
ADVAGG_SPACE ./advagg.module Default space characters.
ADVAGG_SRI advagg_sri/advagg_sri.module Default value of the SHA hash level.
ADVAGG_SRI_FILE_GENERATION advagg_sri/advagg_sri.module Default value to force SRI to always be generated.
ADVAGG_STRICT_MTIME_CHECK ./advagg.module See if the mtime != if TRUE < if FALSE.
ADVAGG_URL_INBOUND_ALTER ./advagg.module Run advagg_url_inbound_alter().
ADVAGG_USE_HTTPRL ./advagg.module Send non blocking requests in order to generate aggregated files via HTTPRL.
ADVAGG_VALIDATOR_CSSLINT_IGNORE advagg_validator/advagg_validator.module Default css lint ignore settings.
ADVAGG_VALIDATOR_JSHINT_IGNORE advagg_validator/advagg_validator.module Default js hint ignore settings.
ADVAGG_WEAK_FILE_VERIFICATION ./advagg.module Verify all 3 hashes from the filename, if TRUE only verify 1st hash.