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Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
advagg_validator_scan_all_dirs advagg_validator/ Recursively scan the drupal webroot for files matching the given extension. 2
advagg_validator_schema advagg_validator/advagg_validator.install Implements hook_schema(). 2
advagg_validator_test_advagg_css advagg_validator/ Test all css files used by AdvAgg. 2
advagg_validator_test_all_css advagg_validator/ Recursively scan the drupal webroot and test all css files. 2
advagg_validator_test_css_files advagg_validator/ Test all given files with the w3c validator. 6
advagg_validator_test_css_file_w3c advagg_validator/ Given a CSS file, test to make sure it is valid CSS. 1
advagg_validator_update_7201 advagg_validator/advagg_validator.install Update the schema making the varchar columns utf8_bin in MySQL.
advagg_validator_update_7202 advagg_validator/advagg_validator.install Update schema making the varchar columns char. Change utf8_bin to ascii_bin.
advagg_views_pre_render ./advagg.module Implements hook_views_pre_render().
drush_advagg_clear_all_files ./ Callback function for drush advagg-clear-all-files.
drush_advagg_clear_db_cache ./ Callback function for drush advagg-clear-db-cache. 2
drush_advagg_cron ./ Callback function for drush advagg-cron.
drush_advagg_force_new_aggregates ./ Callback function for drush advagg-force-new-aggregates.
drush_advagg_js_compress advagg_js_compress/ Callback function for drush advagg-js-compress. 1
drush_advagg_smart_cache_flush ./ Flush the correct caches so CSS/JS changes go live. 1
hook_advagg_build_aggregate_plans_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow modules to modify the aggregate plan.
hook_advagg_bundler_analysis_alter ./advagg.api.php Let other modules modify the analysis array before it is used.
hook_advagg_changed_files ./advagg.api.php Let other modules know about the changed files.
hook_advagg_context_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to swap important contextual information on generation.
hook_advagg_css_groups_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify $css_groups right before it is processed.
hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to add in their own settings and hooks.
hook_advagg_get_css_aggregate_contents_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify this aggregates contents.
hook_advagg_get_css_file_contents_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify this files contents.
hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter ./advagg.api.php Let other modules add/alter additional information about files passed in.
hook_advagg_get_js_aggregate_contents_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify this aggregates contents.
hook_advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify this files contents.
hook_advagg_get_root_files_dir ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to alter css and js paths.
hook_advagg_hooks_implemented_alter ./advagg.api.php Tell advagg about other hooks related to advagg.
hook_advagg_js_groups_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify $js_groups right before it is processed.
hook_advagg_modify_css_pre_render_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify $children and $elements before rendering.
hook_advagg_modify_js_pre_render_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to modify $children and $elements before rendering.
hook_advagg_removed_aggregates ./advagg.api.php Let other modules know about the aggregate files that have been removed.
hook_advagg_save_aggregate_alter ./advagg.api.php Allow other modules to alter the contents and add new files to save (.gz).
hook_advagg_scan_for_changes ./advagg.api.php Let other modules tell advagg that a file has changed.
theme_html_script_tag ./advagg.module Returns HTML for a generic HTML tag with attributes. 1
_advagg_aggregate_css ./advagg.module Default callback to aggregate CSS files and inline content. 1
_advagg_aggregate_js ./advagg.module Default callback to aggregate JavaScript files. 1 2
_advagg_build_css_arrays_for_rendering ./advagg.module Builds the arrays needed for css rendering and caching. 1
_advagg_build_css_path ./ Prefixes all paths within a CSS file for drupal_build_css_cache(). 2 2
_advagg_build_js_arrays_for_rendering ./advagg.module Builds the arrays needed for js rendering and caching. 1
_advagg_load_stylesheet ./advagg.module Loads stylesheets recursively and returns contents with corrected paths. 1
_advagg_locale_changed_files ./ If the locale module is enabled regenerate locale translations. 1
_advagg_locale_js_alter ./advagg.module Implements hook_js_alter(). 1
_advagg_mod_pre_render_scripts advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module Callback for pre_render to inline all JavaScript on this page. 1
_advagg_mod_pre_render_styles advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module A #pre_render callback to inline all CSS on this page. 1
_advagg_process_html ./advagg.module Replacement for template_process_html(). 2
_advagg_relocate_admin_is_css_file_settings advagg_relocate/ See if the key starts with 'advagg_relocate_css_file_settings'. 1
_advagg_relocate_callback advagg_relocate/ Gets external CSS files and puts the contents of it in the aggregate. 1 1
_advagg_relocate_get_urls advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module Return a filename => url array for external assets. 2
_advagg_relocate_save_remote_asset advagg_relocate/ Parse the font family string into a structured array. 2

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