BC Bill 7 (2025)
The BC NDP has introduced this spring legislature session Bill 7 - "ECONOMIC STABILIZATION (TARIFF RESPONSE) ACT". The claimed reasoning behind it is the extremely unpredictable economic environment due to the aggressive and malevolent actions particularly tariffs taken by President Trump against Canada. However, the bill is deeply flawed.
Sooke Council Meeting -- November 25, 2024
Sooke Council's regular meeting November 25th, 2024 has multiple delegations and at least two potentially contentious topics.
Elections in BC are secure
Canada’s and (in my particular experience) BC's voting systems are secure and resilient.
Are there problems? Yes. Is it corrupted? Not at this time. Are there sufficient checks to ensure accuracy? Yes -- if we take advantage of them.
You may be asking… who am I to be making these grandiose claims? Read on to find out.
Drupal 10 Triple Certified
Took all three (English) Drupal 10 exams from Acquia; Developer, Back End Specialist and Front End Specialist, which automatically gives you the Triple Certified designation upon completion. So, I’m happy to share that I am now officially Drupal 10 Triple Certified from Acquia!
Stalling out with MOTI
Despite, a fair degree of communication and politely worded, the final answer from MOTI is essentially "that isn't in our normal procedure go pound sand", but maybe one day. With a slight hint that a direct request from the CRD would have more weight but likely be short term ignored as well.
Back to Politics... Road Safety
Been extremely out of active politics basically since the Langford - Juan de Fuca by-election. Extremely good reason and all but great to be getting back into active politics. Got a new reason to be majorly engaged too - a son - so now have a moral duty to try to make things better. First on my list right now is road safety.
Drupal 10 site upgrade
My experience upgrading my first production site from Drupal 9 to 10. Had run quite a few test Drupal 10 sites, and upgraded some tests but this was the first live upgrade of a real site with all the warts and contrib modules that usually entails. Despite it being almost 3 weeks until Drupal 10's launch, it was fairly smooth - certainly smoother than most D8->9 upgrades even a couple weeks *post* D9 launch.