Primary tabs

Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
advagg_find_all_changed_admin_values ./advagg.module Get form values that have changed. 1
advagg_find_all_recommended_admin_values ./advagg.module Save form defaults or recommended values. 2
advagg_find_title ./advagg.module Get form title and description. 1
advagg_fix_type ./advagg.module Alter the js array fixing the type key if set incorrectly. 2
advagg_flush_all_cache_bins ./ Perform a cache_clear_all on all bins returned by advagg_flush_caches(TRUE). 5 1
advagg_flush_caches ./advagg.module Implements hook_flush_caches(). 2
advagg_font_admin_settings_form advagg_font/ Form builder; Configure advagg settings. 1
advagg_font_admin_settings_form_submit advagg_font/ Submit callback, clear out the advagg cache bin. 1
advagg_font_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter advagg_font/advagg_font.module Implements hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter().
advagg_font_advagg_get_css_file_contents_alter advagg_font/ Implements hook_advagg_get_css_file_contents_alter().
advagg_font_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter advagg_font/ Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_font_get_replacements_array advagg_font/advagg_font.module Get the replacements array for the css. 4
advagg_font_libraries_info advagg_font/advagg_font.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
advagg_font_menu advagg_font/advagg_font.module Implements hook_menu().
advagg_font_module_implements_alter advagg_font/advagg_font.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
advagg_font_page_alter advagg_font/advagg_font.module Implements hook_page_alter().
advagg_font_requirements advagg_font/advagg_font.install Implements hook_requirements().
advagg_force_https_path ./advagg.module Convert http:// and // to https://. 8 4
advagg_force_http_path ./advagg.module Convert https:// to http://. 6
advagg_form_system_performance_settings_alter ./advagg.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
advagg_generate_advagg_filename_from_db ./advagg.module Given a advagg type this will return the most recent aggregate from the db. 2
advagg_generate_filenames ./ Given a group of files calculate what the aggregate filename will be. 4
advagg_generate_filesize_processed ./ Given a filename calculate the processed filesize. 2
advagg_generate_groups ./ Group the CSS/JS into the biggest buckets possible. 1
advagg_generate_location_uri ./ Given the filename, type, and settings, create absolute URL for 307 redirect. 3
advagg_get_aggregates_using_file ./ Given a filename hash get back all aggregates that include it. 3
advagg_get_aggregate_info_from_files ./ Given a group of files calculate various hashes and gather meta data. 1
advagg_get_all_files ./ Get all CSS/JS advagg files. 4
advagg_get_atime ./ Read the atime value for the given aggregate. 2
advagg_get_css ./advagg.module Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets to attach to the page. 5
advagg_get_css_aggregate_contents ./ Given a list of files, grab their contents and glue it into one big string. 2
advagg_get_css_prefix_suffix ./advagg.module Get the prefix and suffix for inline css. 2
advagg_get_current_hooks_hash ./advagg.module Get the hash of all hooks and settings that affect aggregated files contents. 8 1
advagg_get_defaults_from_form ./ Given a form get the default values from it. 1
advagg_get_encoding_from_bom ./advagg.module Decodes UTF byte-order mark (BOM) into the encoding's name. 4
advagg_get_files_from_hashes ./ Get the files that belong inside of this aggregate. 3
advagg_get_full_js ./advagg.module Get full JS array. 2
advagg_get_github_version_json ./advagg.module Get the latest version number for the remote version. 4
advagg_get_github_version_txt ./advagg.module Get the latest version number for the remote version. 2
advagg_get_global_counter ./advagg.module Return the advagg_global_counter variable. 5
advagg_get_hashes_from_filename ./ Given a filename return the type and 2 hashes. 7
advagg_get_hash_settings ./advagg.module Returns the hashes settings. 4
advagg_get_info_on_file ./ Given a filename calculate various hashes and gather meta data. 14 4
advagg_get_info_on_files ./ Given a filename calculate various hashes and gather meta data. 11
advagg_get_js ./advagg.module Returns a themed presentation of all JavaScript code for the current page. 5 1
advagg_get_js_aggregate_contents ./ Given a list of files, grab their contents and glue it into one big string. 3
advagg_get_js_header ./ Read only the first 8192 bytes to get the file header. 1
advagg_get_js_scopes ./advagg.module Get all javascript scopes set in the $javascript array. 1
advagg_get_library ./advagg.module Get the latest version number for the remote version. 6
advagg_get_preload_info_from_url ./advagg.module Given a link get the as, type, and crossorigin attributes. 2

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