Primary tabs

Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
advagg_get_relative_path ./advagg.module Given a uri, get the relative_path. 10
advagg_get_remote_libraries_version ./advagg.module Get the latest version number for the remote version. 5
advagg_get_remote_libraries_versions ./advagg.module Update github version numbers to the latest. 2 2
advagg_get_remote_libraries_versions_cache ./advagg.module Get the remote and local versions cache of the available libraries. 2
advagg_get_render_cache ./advagg.module Given the full css and js scope array return back the render cache. 1
advagg_get_resource_hints_preload_settings ./advagg.module Get the resource hint settings for the preload attribute. 3
advagg_get_root_files_dir ./advagg.module Get the CSS and JS path for advagg. 43 1
advagg_get_s3fs_config ./advagg.module Return s3fs configuration settings and values. 4
advagg_get_version_description ./advagg.module Get the description text based off the library version. 8
advagg_glue_url ./advagg.module Alt to http_build_url(). 7
advagg_group_js ./advagg.module Default callback to group JavaScript items. 1 1
advagg_help ./advagg.module Implements hook_help().
advagg_hooks_implemented ./advagg.module Get back what hooks are implemented. 2
advagg_hook_info ./advagg.module Implements hook_hook_info().
advagg_htaccess_check_generate ./ Generate .htaccess rules and place them in advagg dir. 8 5
advagg_htaccess_rewritebase ./advagg.module See if the .htaccess file uses the RewriteBase directive. 6 5
advagg_increment_global_counter ./ Increment the advagg_global_counter variable by one. 2
advagg_insert_aggregate ./ Insert/Update data in the advagg_aggregates table. 1
advagg_insert_aggregate_version ./ Insert data in the advagg_aggregates_versions table. 1
advagg_insert_into_array_at_key ./advagg.module Insert element into an array at a specific key location. 2
advagg_insert_into_array_at_location ./advagg.module Insert element into an array at a specific position. 1
advagg_insert_update_db ./ Insert/Update data in advagg tables. 1
advagg_insert_update_files ./ Insert/Update data in the advagg_files table. 3
advagg_install ./advagg.install Implements hook_install().
advagg_install_apache_mod_loaded ./advagg.install Checks to see if an apache module is enabled. 1
advagg_install_change_table_collation ./advagg.install Convert the table to the specified collation. 6
advagg_install_check_via_http ./advagg.install Make sure http requests to css/js files work correctly. 1
advagg_install_chk_urls ./advagg.install Make sure http requests to css/js files work correctly. 1
advagg_install_delete_empty_file_if_stale ./advagg.install Callback to delete files if size == 0 and modified more than 60 seconds ago. 2
advagg_install_fast_checks ./advagg.install Run various checks that are fast. 2
advagg_install_get_first_advagg_file ./advagg.install Given a advagg path this will return the first aggregate it can find. 2
advagg_install_htaccess_errordocument ./advagg.install See if the .htaccess file uses the RewriteBase directive. 1
advagg_install_s3fs_proxy_settings ./advagg.install Create proxy settings. 1
advagg_install_update_htaccess ./advagg.install Callback to delete files if size == 0 and modified more than 60 seconds ago. 9
advagg_install_url_mod ./advagg.install Modify $url and $options before making the HTTP request. 2
advagg_is_external ./advagg.module Given a URI return TRUE if it is external. 5
advagg_json_encode ./advagg.module Converts a PHP variable into its JavaScript equivalent. 2
advagg_jsspecialchars ./advagg.module Replace quotes with the html version of it. 1
advagg_js_alter ./advagg.module Implements hook_js_alter().
advagg_js_cdn_get_ui_mapping advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Return an array of jquery ui files. 1
advagg_js_cdn_js_alter advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Implements hook_js_alter().
advagg_js_cdn_requirements advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.install Implements hook_requirements().
advagg_js_compress_admin_settings_form advagg_js_compress/ Form builder; Configure advagg settings. 1
advagg_js_compress_admin_settings_form_submit advagg_js_compress/ Submit callback, clear out the advagg cache bin. 1
advagg_js_compress_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Implements hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter().
advagg_js_compress_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter advagg_js_compress/ Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_js_compress_advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter advagg_js_compress/ Implements hook_advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter().
advagg_js_compress_advagg_modify_js_pre_render_alter advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Implements hook_advagg_modify_js_pre_render_alter().
advagg_js_compress_advagg_save_aggregate_alter advagg_js_compress/ Implements hook_advagg_save_aggregate_alter().
advagg_js_compress_all_js_files_list advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Get all js files and js files that are not compressed. 4

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