Same name in other branches
  1. 5.0.x \advagg_drush_help()
  2. 6.0.x \advagg_drush_help()
  3. 7.x-2.x \advagg_drush_help()
  4. 8.x-2.x \advagg_drush_help()
  5. 8.x-3.x \advagg_drush_help()

Implements hook_drush_help().

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function advagg_drush_help($command) {
    switch ($command) {
        case 'drush:advagg-da':
            return dt('Keep all Advagg settings but disable all functionality.');
        case 'drush:advagg-en':
            return dt('Restore all Advagg functionality if disabled.');
        case 'drush:advagg-cron':
            return dt('Run the advagg cron hook. This will clear out all stale advagg aggregated files, remove aggregates that include missing files, and remove unused aggregates.');
        case 'drush:advagg-clear-all-files':
            return dt('Remove all generated files. Useful if you think some of the generated files got corrupted and thus need to be deleted.');
        case 'drush:advagg-force-new-aggregates':
            /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Config $config */
            $config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')->get('advagg.settings');
            return dt('Force the creation of all new optimized files by incrementing a global counter. Current value of counter: %value. This is may be useful if a CDN has cached an something incorrectly as it will force new ones to be used even if nothing else has changed.', [
                '%value' => $config->get('global_counter'),
    return FALSE;