Each QuickSet object has a "contents" property which is an array of objects that implement the QuickContentRenderableInterface.


Expanded class hierarchy of QuickContentRenderableInterface

All classes that implement QuickContentRenderableInterface


src/QuickContentRenderableInterface.php, line 9


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interface QuickContentRenderableInterface {
     * Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node',
     * 'prerendered'.
    public static function getType();
     * Returns the tab title.
    public function getTitle();
     * Returns an array of settings specific to the type of content.
    public function getSettings();
     * Renders the content.
     * @param $hide_emtpy If set to true, then the renderer should return an empty
     * array if there is no content to display, for example if the user does not
     * have access to the requested content.
     * @param $args Used during an ajax call to pass in the settings necessary to
     * render this type of content.
    public function render($hide_empty = FALSE, $args = array());
     * Returns an array of keys to use for constructing the correct arguments for
     * an ajax callback to retrieve content of this type. The order of the keys
     * returned affects the order of the args passed in to the render method when
     * called via ajax (see the render() method above).
    public function getAjaxKeys();
     * Returns an array of keys, sufficient to represent the content uniquely.
    public function getUniqueKeys();



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overrides
QuickContentRenderableInterface::getAjaxKeys public function Returns an array of keys to use for constructing the correct arguments for
an ajax callback to retrieve content of this type. The order of the keys
returned affects the order of the args passed in to the render method when
called via ajax (see theā€¦
QuickContentRenderableInterface::getSettings public function Returns an array of settings specific to the type of content. 2
QuickContentRenderableInterface::getTitle public function Returns the tab title. 2
QuickContentRenderableInterface::getType public static function Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node',
QuickContentRenderableInterface::getUniqueKeys public function Returns an array of keys, sufficient to represent the content uniquely. 6
QuickContentRenderableInterface::render public function Renders the content. 6