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  1. 7.x-1.x tests/exif_orientation.test \ExifOrientationTest 1 comment

@file Tests for exif_orientation.module.


Expanded class hierarchy of ExifOrientationTest


tests/exif_orientation.test, line 8

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class ExifOrientationTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
    private $admin;
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Exif Orientation',
            'description' => 'Tests automatic image orientation.',
            'group' => 'Exif Orientation',
    public function setUp() {
        $modules = array(
        // Set to high quality because we don't want encoding artifacts.
        variable_set('image_jpeg_quality', 98);
        // Code from UserPictureTestCase:
        // Enable user pictures.
        variable_set('user_pictures', 1);
        // Test if directories specified in settings exist in filesystem.
        $file_dir = 'public://';
        $file_check = file_prepare_directory($file_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
        $picture_dir = variable_get('user_picture_path', 'pictures');
        $picture_path = $file_dir . $picture_dir;
        $pic_check = file_prepare_directory($picture_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
        $this->_directory_test = is_writable($picture_path);
        $this->assertTrue($this->_directory_test, "The directory {$picture_path} doesn't exist or is not writable. Further tests won't be made.");
     * Test auto rotation of uploaded user profile pictures.
    public function testUserPicture() {
        // No user picture style or dimensions.
        variable_set('user_picture_style', '');
        variable_set('user_picture_dimensions', '');
        $user1 = $this->drupalCreateUser();
        // Applied user picture style.
        variable_set('user_picture_style', 'medium');
        variable_set('user_picture_dimensions', '');
        $user2 = $this->drupalCreateUser();
        // Defined picture dimensions.
        variable_set('user_picture_style', '');
        variable_set('user_picture_dimensions', '50x50');
        $user3 = $this->drupalCreateUser();
        // Defined picture style and dimensions.
        variable_set('user_picture_style', 'medium');
        variable_set('user_picture_dimensions', '50x50');
        $user4 = $this->drupalCreateUser();
     * Uploads a user picture.
    private function saveUserPicture(&$account) {
        $edit = array(
            'files[picture_upload]' => drupal_realpath(drupal_get_path('module', 'exif_orientation') . '/tests/rotate90cw.jpg'),
        $this->drupalPost('user/' . $account->uid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
        $account = user_load($account->uid, TRUE);
        $this->assertTrue(isset($account->picture) && isset($account->picture->uri), 'The picture has been uploaded successfully.');
     * Verify that an image is landscape and has a red top left corner.
    private function assertImageIsRotated($uri) {
        $uri = drupal_realpath($uri);
        $img = image_load($uri);
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($img), 'Image data is available.');
        // Test the aspect ratio.
        $this->assertTrue($img->info['width'] > $img->info['height'], 'The image format is landscape.');
        // Verify the rotation by color inspection.
        $rgb = imagecolorat($img->resource, 10, 10);
        $r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff;
        $g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff;
        $b = $rgb & 0xff;
        // The top left corner should be red.
        $this->assertTrue(abs($r - 255) < 5, 'Red color component is close to 255.');
        $this->assertTrue($g < 5, 'Green color component is close to 0.');
        $this->assertTrue($b < 5, 'Blue color component is close to 0.');



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary
ExifOrientationTest::$admin private property
ExifOrientationTest::assertImageIsRotated private function Verify that an image is landscape and has a red top left corner.
ExifOrientationTest::getInfo public static function
ExifOrientationTest::saveUserPicture private function Uploads a user picture.
ExifOrientationTest::setUp public function
ExifOrientationTest::testUserPicture public function Test auto rotation of uploaded user profile pictures.