Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.x-2.x \__drush_exif_entity_import() 1 comment


string $entity_type:










1 call to __drush_exif_entity_import()
drush_exif_import in ./


./, line 370


function __drush_exif_entity_import($entity_type, $type, $uid, $field, $file, $langcode) {
    $title = basename($file);
    $languageManager = \Drupal::getContainer()->get('language_manager');
    if ($langcode == NULL) {
        $langcode = $languageManager->getDefaultLanguage()
    drush_log(dt('start import of %file as %type entity with title "%title"', [
        '%file' => $file,
        '%type' => $type,
        '%title' => $title,
    ]), "ok");
    // Saving file. automatically added to file entity if present.
    $file_content = file_get_contents($file);
    // Saves a file to the specified destination and creates a database entry.
    $file_temp = file_save_data($file_content, 'public://' . $title, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_RENAME);
    // If not file entity, create associated element.
    if ($file_temp && $entity_type != 'file') {
        $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::getContainer()->get('entity_type.manager');
        $entityStorage = $entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type);
        // For nodes.
        $attributes = NULL;
        if ($entity_type == 'node') {
            $attributes = [
                'nid' => NULL,
                'type' => $type,
                'title' => $title,
                'alt' => $title,
                'uid' => $uid,
                'revision' => 1,
                'status' => TRUE,
                'promote' => 0,
                'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(),
                'langcode' => $langcode,
                $field => [
                    'target_id' => $file_temp->id(),
        // Does not work :( .
        if ($entity_type == 'media') {
            $attributes = [
                'mid' => NULL,
                'bundle' => $type,
                'name' => $title,
                'label' => $title,
                'title' => $title,
                'alt' => $title,
                'uid' => $uid,
                'revision' => 1,
                'status' => TRUE,
                'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(),
                'langcode' => $langcode,
                $field => [
                    'target_id' => $file_temp->id(),
        if ($attributes == NULL) {
            drush_log(dt('entity type %entity_type is not supported. %file is not imported.', [
                '%file' => $file,
                '%entity_type' => $entity_type,
            ]), "ko");
        else {
            // Load the node object from the database.
            $entity = $entityStorage->create($attributes);
            drush_log(dt('imported %file as %type entity.', [
                '%file' => $file,
                '%type' => $type,
            ]), "ok");
    else {
        drush_log(dt('failed to import %file as %type entity.', [
            '%file' => $file,
            '%type' => $type,
        ]), "ko");