Return the path to the Colorbox plugin.

3 calls to colorbox_get_path()
colorbox_admin_settings in ./
General configuration form for controlling the colorbox behaviour.
colorbox_get_js in ./colorbox.module
Return the JS filename for Colorbox plugin.
colorbox_requirements in ./colorbox.install
Implements hook_requirements().


./colorbox.module, line 315


function colorbox_get_path() {
    static $library_path = NULL;
    // Try to locate the library path in any possible setup.
    if ($library_path == NULL) {
        // First check the default location.
        $path = variable_get('colorbox_path', COLORBOX_PATH);
        if (is_dir($path . '/colorbox')) {
            $library_path = $path;
        elseif ($library_path == NULL && module_exists('libraries')) {
            if ($path = libraries_get_path('colorbox')) {
                $library_path = $path;
                variable_set('colorbox_path', $library_path);
        elseif ($library_path == NULL && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libraries/libraries.module')) {
            require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libraries/libraries.module';
            if ($path = libraries_get_path('colorbox')) {
                $library_path = $path;
                variable_set('colorbox_path', $library_path);
        elseif ($library_path == NULL) {
            $library_path = COLORBOX_PATH;
    return $library_path;