Return the JS filename for Colorbox plugin.

Return value

Boolean indicating if the JS is located.

2 calls to colorbox_get_js()
colorbox_get_version in ./colorbox.module
Return the version of Colorbox plugin that is installed.
_colorbox_doheader in ./colorbox.module
Loads the various js and css files.


./colorbox.module, line 293


function colorbox_get_js() {
    $library_path = colorbox_get_path();
    // Support for older version of the Colorbox plugin, pre
    if (is_dir($library_path . '/colorbox')) {
        $library_path = $library_path . '/colorbox';
    if (file_exists($library_path . '/jquery.colorbox.js') && file_exists($library_path . '/jquery.colorbox-min.js')) {
        $colorbox_js_map = array(
            'none' => 'jquery.colorbox.js',
            'min' => 'jquery.colorbox-min.js',
        $colorbox_js = $colorbox_js_map[variable_get('colorbox_compression_type', 'min')];
        return $library_path . '/' . $colorbox_js;
    //   else {
    //     drupal_set_message(t('You need to download the !colorbox and extract the entire contents of the archive into the %path folder of your server.', array('!colorbox' => l(t('Colorbox plugin'), ''), '%path' => $library_path)), 'error', FALSE);
    //     return FALSE;
    //   }