Primary tabs

Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
spambot_account_ip_addresses ./spambot.module Retrieves a list of IP addresses for an account. 2
spambot_account_is_spammer ./spambot.module Checks an account to see if it's a spammer. 1
spambot_add_form_protection ./spambot.module Form builder function to add spambot validations. 1
spambot_admin_paths ./spambot.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
spambot_check_whitelist ./spambot.module Check if current data $type is whitelisted. 3
spambot_cron ./spambot.module Implements hook_cron().
spambot_delete_nodes_and_comments ./spambot.module Delete nodes and comments for user accounts which are found to be spammers. 2
spambot_flush_caches ./spambot.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
spambot_form_user_admin_account_alter ./spambot.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
spambot_form_user_register_form_alter ./spambot.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
spambot_menu ./spambot.module Implements hook_menu().
spambot_node_delete ./spambot.module Implements hook_node_delete().
spambot_node_insert ./spambot.module Implements hook_node_insert().
spambot_permission ./spambot.module Implements hook_permission().
spambot_report_account ./spambot.module Reports an account as a spammer. 1
spambot_schema ./spambot.install Implements hook_schema().
spambot_settings_form ./ Form builder for settings form. 1
spambot_sfs_request ./spambot.module Invoke's api. 3
spambot_uninstall ./spambot.install Implements hook_uninstall().
spambot_update_7101 ./spambot.install Update variables, create new table 'node_spambot'.
spambot_update_7102 ./spambot.install Adds a cache table for storage of responses.
spambot_user_register_form_validate ./spambot.module Validate callback for user_register form. 1
spambot_user_spam ./ Page callback for 'user/%user/spambot' path. 1
spambot_user_spam_admin_form ./ Form builder for spambot_user_spam_admin_form form. 1
spambot_user_spam_admin_form_submit ./ Submit handler for spambot_user_spam_admin_form() form. 1
spambot_user_spam_admin_form_validate ./ Validate handler for spambot_user_spam_admin_form() form. 1
_spambot_user_spam_admin_form_submit_action ./ Take action under this user account. 1
_spambot_user_spam_admin_form_submit_check ./ Do complex checking at this user account. 1

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