Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.x-2.x src/ExifContent.php \Drupal\exif\ExifContent::getDataFromFileUri() 1 comment

Retrieve all metadata values from an image.


\Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\UriItem $file_uri: The File URI to look at.

Return value

array A map of metadata values by key.

1 call to ExifContent::getDataFromFileUri()
ExifContent::getImageFieldsMetadata in src/ExifContent.php
List fields that contains exif metadata.


src/ExifContent.php, line 374


Class ExifContent make link between drupal content and file content.




private function getDataFromFileUri(UriItem $file_uri) {
    $uri = $file_uri->getValue()['value'];
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem $file_system */
    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
    $scheme = $file_system->uriScheme($uri);
    // If the file isn't stored locally make a temporary copy to read the
    // metadata from. We just assume that the temporary files are always local,
    // hard to figure out how to handle this otherwise.
    if (!isset(\Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getWrappers(StreamWrapperInterface::LOCAL)[$scheme])) {
        // Local stream.
        $cache_key = md5($uri);
        if (empty($this->localCopiesOfRemoteFiles[$cache_key])) {
            // Create unique local file.
            if (!($this->localCopiesOfRemoteFiles[$cache_key] = file_unmanaged_copy($uri, 'temporary://exif_' . $cache_key . '_' . basename($uri), FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE))) {
                // Log error if creating a copy fails - but return an empty array to
                // avoid type collision.
                \Drupal::logger('exif')->notice('Unable to create local temporary copy of remote file for exif extraction! File %file.', [
                    '%file' => $uri,
                return [];
        $uri = $this->localCopiesOfRemoteFiles[$cache_key];
    // Read the metadata.
    $exif = ExifFactory::getExifInterface();
    $fullmetadata = $exif->readMetadataTags($file_system->realpath($uri));
    return $fullmetadata;