Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x colorbox.api.php \hook_colorbox_settings_alter() 1 comment
  2. 7.x-2.x colorbox.api.php \hook_colorbox_settings_alter() 1 comment
  3. 8.x-1.x colorbox.api.php \hook_colorbox_settings_alter() 1 comment

Allows to override Colorbox settings and style.

Implements hook_colorbox_settings_alter().


$settings: An associative array of Colorbox settings. See the Colorbox documentation for the full list of supported parameters.

$style: The name of the active style plugin. If $style is 'none', no Colorbox theme will be loaded.

1 invocation of hook_colorbox_settings_alter()
_colorbox_doheader in ./colorbox.module
Loads the various js and css files.


./colorbox.api.php, line 21


function hook_colorbox_settings_alter(&$settings, &$style) {
    // Disable automatic downscaling of images to maxWidth/maxHeight size.
    $settings['scalePhotos'] = FALSE;
    // Use custom style plugin specifically for node/123.
    if ($_GET['q'] == 'node/123') {
        $style = 'mystyle';