Implements #element_validate function.

If a palette is set for the Spectrum widget, there are no default values available until the field has been saved. However, values are needed when a field is marked as required, otherwise errors occur. Therefore, when rgb or opacity are empty, and field is required, set the default values to rgb = #000000 and opacity = 1.

See also


1 string reference to 'color_field_field_widget_element_validate'
_color_field_field_widget_form in ./
Helper function for color_field_field_settings_form().


./, line 190


function color_field_field_widget_element_validate($element, &$form_state) {
    if ($form_state['build_info']['form_id'] == 'field_ui_field_edit_form') {
        $field = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0];
        if ($field['widget']['type'] == 'color_field_spectrum_widget' && $field['required']) {
            $value = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#parents']);
            if (empty($value)) {
                $parents = $element['#parents'];
                $field_name = array_pop($parents);
                $field_value = '';
                if ($field_name == 'rgb') {
                    $field_value = '#000000';
                elseif ($field_name == 'opacity') {
                    $field_value = 1;
                drupal_array_set_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#parents'], $field_value);