Select records in the database matching where IN(...).
NOTE Be aware of the servers max_packet_size variable.
$table: The name of the table.
$field: field name to be compared to
$placeholder: db_query placeholders; like %d or '%s'
$data: array of values you wish to compare to
$returns: array of db fields you return
Return value
returns db_query() result.
1 call to advagg_db_multi_select_in()
- advagg_get_filename in ./
advagg.module - Given a list of files; return back the aggregated filename.
advagg.module, line 3180
function advagg_db_multi_select_in($table, $field, $placeholder, $data, $returns = array(), $groupby = '') {
// Set returns if empty
if (empty($returns)) {
$returns[] = '*';
// Get the number of rows that will be inserted
$rows = count($data);
// Create what goes in the IN ()
$in = $placeholder;
// Add the rest of the place holders
for ($i = 1; $i < $rows; $i++) {
$in .= ', ' . $placeholder;
// Build the query
$query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $returns) . " FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE {$field} IN ({$in}) {$groupby}";
// Run the query
// TODO Please convert this statement to the D7 database API syntax.
return db_query($query, $data);