advagg_admin_clear_file_aggregates in ./
Remove the aggregates that contain the given filename.
advagg_advagg_save_aggregate_alter in ./
Implements hook_advagg_save_aggregate_alter().
advagg_build_filename in ./
Build the filename.
advagg_generate_advagg_filename_from_db in ./advagg.module
Given a advagg type this will return the most recent aggregate from the db.
advagg_get_aggregates_using_file in ./
Given a filename hash get back all aggregates that include it.
advagg_get_atime in ./
Read the atime value for the given aggregate.
advagg_get_hashes_from_filename in ./
Given a filename return the type and 2 hashes.
advagg_htaccess_check_generate in ./
Generate .htaccess rules and place them in advagg dir.
advagg_install_check_via_http in ./advagg.install
Make sure http requests to css/js files work correctly.
advagg_install_get_first_advagg_file in ./advagg.install
Given a advagg path this will return the first aggregate it can find.
advagg_match_file_pattern in ./advagg.module
Checks if the filename matches the advagg file pattern.
advagg_missing_send_saved_file in ./
Send the css/js file to the client.
advagg_mod_init in advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module
Implements hook_init().
advagg_multi_update_atime in ./advagg.module
Update atime inside advagg_aggregates_versions and cache_advagg_info.
advagg_requirements in ./advagg.install
Implements hook_requirements().
hook_advagg_save_aggregate_alter in ./advagg.api.php
Allow other modules to alter the contents and add new files to save (.gz).