Split up as CSS string by @media queries.


string $css: String of CSS.

string $starting_string: What to look for when starting to parse the string.

Return value

array array of css with only media queries.

See also


2 calls to advagg_parse_media_blocks()
advagg_get_css_aggregate_contents in ./advagg.missing.inc
Given a list of files, grab their contents and glue it into one big string.
advagg_split_css_file in ./advagg.inc
Given a file info array it will split the file up.


./advagg.missing.inc, line 1555


function advagg_parse_media_blocks($css, $starting_string = '@media') {
    $media_blocks = array();
    $start = 0;
    $last_start = 0;
    // Using the string as an array throughout this function.
    // http://php.net/types.string#language.types.string.substr
    while (($start = strpos($css, $starting_string, $start)) !== FALSE) {
        // Stack to manage brackets.
        $s = array();
        // Get the first opening bracket.
        $i = strpos($css, "{", $start);
        // If $i is false, then there is probably a css syntax error.
        if ($i === FALSE) {
        // Push bracket onto stack.
        array_push($s, $css[$i]);
        // Move past first bracket.
        // Find the closing bracket for the @media statement. But ensure we don't
        // overflow if there's an error.
        while (!empty($s) && isset($css[$i])) {
            // If the character is an opening bracket, push it onto the stack,
            // otherwise pop the stack.
            if ($css[$i] === "{") {
                array_push($s, "{");
            elseif ($css[$i] === "}") {
        // Get CSS before @media and store it.
        if ($last_start != $start) {
            $insert = trim(substr($css, $last_start, $start - $last_start));
            if (!empty($insert)) {
                $media_blocks[] = $insert;
        // Cut @media block out of the css and store.
        $media_blocks[] = trim(substr($css, $start, $i - $start));
        // Set the new $start to the end of the block.
        $start = $i;
        $last_start = $start;
    // Add in any remaining css rules after the last @media statement.
    if (strlen($css) > $last_start) {
        $insert = trim(substr($css, $last_start));
        if (!empty($insert)) {
            $media_blocks[] = $insert;
    return $media_blocks;