Builds the arrays needed for js rendering and caching.


bool $skip_alter: (Optional) If set to TRUE, this function skips calling drupal_alter() on js, useful for the aggressive cache.

Return value

array Array contains the 3 arrays used for javascript.

1 call to _advagg_build_js_arrays_for_rendering()
_advagg_process_html dans ./advagg.module
Replacement for template_process_html().


./advagg.module, line 1802


function _advagg_build_js_arrays_for_rendering($skip_alter = FALSE) {
    // Get the raw JS variable.
    $javascript = drupal_add_js();
    // Process and Sort JS.
    $full_javascript = advagg_get_full_js($javascript, $skip_alter);
    // Get scopes used in the js.
    $scopes = advagg_get_js_scopes($full_javascript);
    // Add JS to the header and footer of the page.
    $js_scope_array = array();
    $js_scope_settings_array = array();
    foreach ($scopes as $scope => $use) {
        if (!$use) {
            // If the scope is not being used, skip it.
        // advagg_get_js() will sort the JavaScript so that it appears in the
        // correct order.
        $scripts = advagg_get_js($scope, $full_javascript);
        if (isset($scripts['#items']['settings'])) {
            // Get the js settings.
            $js_scope_settings_array[$scope]['settings'] = $scripts['#items']['settings'];
            // Exclude JS Settings from the array; we'll add it back later.
            $scripts['#items']['settings'] = array();
        $js_scope_array[$scope] = $scripts;
    // Fix settings; if more than 1 is set, use the largest one.
    if (count($js_scope_settings_array) > 1) {
        $max = -1;
        $max_scope = '';
        foreach ($js_scope_settings_array as $scope => $settings) {
            $count = count($settings);
            $max = max($max, $count);
            if ($max == $count) {
                $max_scope = $scope;
        foreach ($js_scope_settings_array as $scope => $settings) {
            if ($scope !== $max_scope) {
    return array(