Below are my takes, opinions and projects on local politics - predominantly East Sooke, Sooke and environs. Most significant note is that I ran for Sooke Council in 2022 and while not elected - only incumbent/prior councilors were - I still hold strong opinions and am continuing to work to make what positive change.

Featured Projects & Thoughts

Park Heights Neighbourhood Speed Limit Reduction

The Park Heights neighbourhood in East Sooke is a small rural/residental neighbourhood with a maximum driving distance to ESR of slightly over 2km. Nick is aiming to make it safer for residents, pedestrians and wildlife.

    Past Projects and Opinions

    Certainly things I still care about but slightly older thoughts and actions.

    Résultats de l'élection du conseil de Sooke

    Nick s'est présenté aux élections municipales de 2022 à Sooke comme candidat au conseil. Les résultats sont maintenant connus et on peut dire que Nick n'est pas conseiller municipal pour ce cycle. Pas le dernier, mais loin d'être élu. Tous les titulaires ont été réélus et un ancien titulaire.

      Winter Weather Pedestrian Safety in Sooke

      This is unfortunately a story of failure, and a call to change. Our current method of ensuring safety and accessibility for pedestrians in Sooke in the winter is not working. There are short term improvements we can make but long term we need a fundamental shift.