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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\color_field;
* Hex represents the Hex color format.
class ColorHex extends ColorBase {
* The Hex triplet of the color as an int.
* @var int
protected int $color;
* Create a new Hex from a string.
* @param string $color
* The string hex value (i.e. "FFFFFF").
* @param string $opacity
* The opacity value.
* @throws \Exception
* If the color doesn't appear to be a valid hex value.
public function __construct(string $color, ?string $opacity) {
$color = trim(strtolower($color));
if (str_starts_with($color, '#')) {
$color = substr($color, 1);
if (strlen($color) === 3) {
$color = str_repeat($color[0], 2) . str_repeat($color[1], 2) . str_repeat($color[2], 2);
if (!preg_match('/[0-9A-F]{6}/i', $color)) {
throw new \Exception("Color {$color} doesn't appear to be a valid hex value");
$this->color = hexdec($color);
$opacity = $opacity ?? '1';
$this->setOpacity((double) $opacity);
return $this;
* A string representation of this color in the current format.
* @param bool $opacity
* Whether to display the opacity.
* @return string
* The color in format: #RRGGBB.
public function toString(bool $opacity = TRUE) : string {
$rgb = $this->toRgb();
$hex = '#';
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($rgb->getRed()), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($rgb->getGreen()), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($rgb->getBlue()), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($opacity) {
$hex .= ' ' . $this->getOpacity();
return strtolower($hex);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function toHex() : ColorHex {
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function toRgb() : ColorRGB {
$red = ($this->color & 0xff0000) >> 16;
$green = ($this->color & 0xff00) >> 8;
$blue = $this->color & 0xff;
$opacity = $this->getOpacity();
return new ColorRGB($red, $green, $blue, $opacity);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function toHsl() : ColorHsl {
return $this->toRGB()
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
ColorHex | Hex represents the Hex color format. |