Onglets principaux

Titre Deprecated Nom du fichier Résumé Direct uses Strings
drush_exif_import ./ The drush import.
drush_exif_list ./ Implements Drush callback.
drush_exif_update ./ Implements Drush callback.
exif_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
exif_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
exif_entity_create ./exif.module Implements hook_entity_create().
exif_entity_presave ./exif.module Implements hook_entity_presave().
exif_help ./exif.module Implements hook_help().
exif_requirements ./exif.install Implements hook_requirements().
exif_theme ./exif.module Implements hook_theme().
__check_bundle ./ Look for exif entity types. 2
__check_entity_type ./ Check an entity type is supported by this module. 3
__drush_exif_entity_import ./ The drush entity. 1
__drush_exif_file_update ./ The drush file update. 1
__drush_exif_getlangcode ./ Determine language based on $results.
__drush_exif_list_active_types ./ List all entity types supported by this module. 2
__drush_exif_media_update ./ The drush media update. 1
__drush_exif_node_update ./ Update all node of specified type. 1

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