Implements hook_url_inbound_alter().

Inbound URL rewrite helper. If host includes subdomain, rewrite URI and internal path if necessary.

1 string reference to 'advagg_url_inbound_alter'
advagg.module dans ./advagg.module
Advanced CSS/JS aggregation module.


./advagg.module, line 509


function advagg_url_inbound_alter(&$path, $original_path, $path_language) {
    // Do nothing if this has been disabled.
    if (!variable_get('advagg_url_inbound_alter', ADVAGG_URL_INBOUND_ALTER)) {
    // Setup static so we only need to run the logic once.
    $already_ran =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($already_ran)) {
        $already_ran = array();
    $request_path = request_path();
    // Set the path again if we already did this alter.
    if (array_key_exists($request_path, $already_ran)) {
        $path = $already_ran[$request_path];
    // If requested path was for an advagg file but now it is something else
    // switch is back to the advagg file.
    if (!empty($path) && $path != $request_path && advagg_match_file_pattern($request_path)) {
        // Get the advagg paths.
        $advagg_path = advagg_get_root_files_dir();
        // Get the top level path.
        $top_level = substr($advagg_path[0][1], 0, strpos($advagg_path[0][1], 'advagg_css'));
        // Only change if it's an exact match.
        $start = strpos($request_path, $top_level . 'advagg_');
        if ($start === 0) {
            // Set path to correct advagg path.
            $path = substr($request_path, $start);
            $already_ran[$request_path] = $path;
        else {
            // Put all languages prefixes into an array.
            $language_list = language_list();
            $prefixes = array();
            foreach ($language_list as $lang) {
                if ($lang->enabled && !empty($lang->prefix) && strpos($request_path, $lang->prefix) !== FALSE) {
                    $prefixes[$lang->prefix] = $lang->prefix;
            if (!empty($prefixes)) {
                // Remove all enabled languages prefixes from the beginning of the path.
                $substr_to_shrink = substr($request_path, 0, $start);
                foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                    $substr_to_shrink = str_replace($prefix . '/', '', $substr_to_shrink);
                // Set path to correct advagg path.
                $path = $substr_to_shrink . substr($request_path, $start);
                $already_ran[$request_path] = $path;