Given a link get the as, type, and crossorigin attributes.


string $url: Link to the url that will be preloaded.

string $as: What type of content is this; font, image, video, etc.

string $type: The mime type of the file.

string $crossorigin: Preload cross-origin resources; fonts always need to be CORS.

Return value

array An array containing

2 calls to advagg_get_preload_info_from_url()
advagg_add_preload_header dans ./advagg.module
Add in the preload header for CSS and JS external files.
advagg_add_preload_link dans ./advagg.module
Add preload link to the top of the html head.


./advagg.module, line 6592


function advagg_get_preload_info_from_url($url, $as = '', $type = '', $crossorigin = NULL) {
    // Get extension.
    $parse = @parse_url($url);
    if (empty($parse['path'])) {
        return FALSE;
    $file_ext = strtolower(pathinfo($parse['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    if (empty($file_ext)) {
        $file_ext = basename($parse['path']);
    // Detect missing parts.
    $list = advagg_preload_list();
    if (empty($as) && !empty($file_ext)) {
        foreach ($list as $as_key => $list_type) {
            $key = array_search($file_ext, $list_type);
            if ($key !== FALSE) {
                $as = $as_key;
                // Type of font, ext is svg but file doesn't contain string font.
                // This will be treated as an image.
                if ($as === 'font' && $file_ext === 'svg' && stripos($url, 'font') === FALSE) {
                    $as = '';
            if (!empty($as)) {
    if ($file_ext !== 'css' && empty($type) && !empty($as)) {
        $type = "{$as}/{$file_ext}";
        if ($file_ext === 'svg') {
            $type .= '+xml';
        if ($file_ext === 'js') {
            $type = 'text/javascript';
        if ($file_ext === 'css') {
            $type = 'text/css';
    if ($as === 'font' && is_null($crossorigin)) {
        $crossorigin = 'anonymous';
    return array(