Returns the hashes settings.


string $hash: The name of the variable to return.

Return value

array The settings array or an empty array if not found.

4 calls to advagg_get_hash_settings()
advagg_detect_subfile_changes dans ./
See if any of the subfiles has changed.
advagg_get_current_hooks_hash dans ./advagg.module
Get the hash of all hooks and settings that affect aggregated files contents.
advagg_get_hashes_from_filename dans ./
Given a filename return the type and 2 hashes.
advagg_requirements dans ./advagg.install
Implements hook_requirements().


./advagg.module, line 3624


function advagg_get_hash_settings($hash) {
    $settings = db_select('advagg_aggregates_hashes', 'aah')->fields('aah', array(
        ->condition('hash', $hash)
    return !empty($settings) ? unserialize($settings) : array();