Loads stylesheets recursively and returns contents with corrected paths.
This function is used for recursive loading of stylesheets and returns the stylesheet content with all url() paths corrected.
array $matches: The matches from preg_replace_callback().
Return value
array String with altered internal url() paths.
Voir aussi
1 string reference to '_advagg_load_stylesheet'
- advagg_load_stylesheet_content dans ./
advagg.module - Processes the contents of a stylesheet for aggregation.
advagg.module, line 5296
function _advagg_load_stylesheet(array $matches) {
$filename = $matches[1];
// Load the imported stylesheet and replace @import commands in there as well.
$file = advagg_load_stylesheet($filename, NULL, FALSE);
if (empty($file)) {
if (strpos($matches[0], 'http://') === 0 || strpos($matches[0], 'https://') === 0 || strpos($matches[0], '//') === 0) {
return $matches[0];
if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG) >= 2) {
watchdog('advagg-debug', 'Trying to load @file via @import statement but it was not found.', array(
'@file' => $filename,
if (variable_get('advagg_cache_level', ADVAGG_CACHE_LEVEL) <= 1) {
return $matches[0];
else {
return '';
// Determine the file's directory.
$directory = dirname($filename);
// If the file is in the current directory, make sure '.' doesn't appear in
// the url() path.
$directory = $directory == '.' ? '' : $directory . '/';
// Alter all internal url() paths. Leave external paths alone. We don't need
// to normalize absolute paths here (i.e. remove folder/... segments) because
// that will be done later.
return preg_replace('%url\\(\\s*+([\'"]?+)(?![a-z]++:|/)([^\'")]+)([\'"]?+)\\s*\\)%i', 'url(\\1' . $directory . '\\2\\3)', $file);