Flush the correct caches so CSS/JS changes go live.

Return value

array Array of files that have changed and caches flushed.

7 calls to advagg_push_new_changes()
advagg_admin_flush_cache_button dans ./advagg.admin.inc
Perform a smart flush.
advagg_advagg_changed_files dans ./advagg.advagg.inc
Implements hook_advagg_changed_files().
advagg_flush_caches dans ./advagg.module
Implements hook_flush_caches().
advagg_relocate_css_post_alter dans advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Alter the css array.
advagg_relocate_js_post_alter dans advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Alter the js array.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'advagg_push_new_changes'
advagg_admin_clear_all_caches_button dans ./advagg.admin.inc
Clear out all advagg cache bins.


./advagg.cache.inc, line 93


function advagg_push_new_changes(array $files = array()) {
    $results = array();
    // Scan the file system for changes to CSS/JS files.
    if (empty($files)) {
        $files = advagg_scan_for_changes();
        if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG) >= 2) {
            $variables = array(
                '@files' => print_r($files, TRUE),
            watchdog('advagg-debug', 'Changes detected in <pre>@files</pre>.', $variables, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    // Clear some static caches.
    if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG) >= 2) {
        // Exception used to get a compact stack trace.
        $e = new Exception();
        $variables = array(
            '@changes' => print_r($e->getTraceAsString(), TRUE),
        watchdog('advagg-debug', 'New changes called by: <pre>@changes</pre>', $variables, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    // If something changed, flush the correct caches so that change goes out.
    if (!empty($files)) {
        $types = array();
        module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg');
        foreach ($files as $filename => $meta_data) {
            // Lookup the aggregates/cache ids that use this file.
            $cache_ids = advagg_get_aggregates_using_file($meta_data['filename_hash'], TRUE);
            $cache_hits = array();
            $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
            $types[$ext] = TRUE;
            if (!empty($cache_ids)) {
                $cache_hits = cache_get_multiple($cache_ids, 'cache_advagg_info');
                foreach ($cache_hits as $cid => $data) {
                    if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG) >= 2) {
                        watchdog('advagg-debug', 'Clearing cache @cid.', array(
                            '@cid' => $cid,
                        ), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
                    cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache_advagg_info', FALSE);
            $changes = array();
            if (!empty($meta_data['changes'])) {
                $changes = $meta_data['changes'];
            $results[$filename] = array(
            // Update database.
                $filename => $meta_data,
            ), $ext);
        // Change query-strings on css/js files to enforce reload for all users.
        // Change css_js_query_string variable.
        // Let other modules know about the changed files.
        // Call hook_advagg_changed_files().
        module_invoke_all('advagg_changed_files', $files, $types);
        // Clear out the full aggregates cache.
        foreach ($types as $ext => $bool) {
            if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG) >= 2) {
                $variables = array(
                    '@ext' => print_r($ext, TRUE),
                watchdog('advagg-debug', 'Clearing cache advagg:@ext: in cache_advagg_aggregates.', $variables, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
            cache_clear_all('advagg:' . $ext . ':', 'cache_advagg_aggregates', TRUE);
    // Return what was done.
    return $results;