Scan for missing files and remove the associated entries in the database.

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1 string reference to 'advagg_admin_remove_missing_files_from_db_button'
advagg_admin_operations_form dans ./
Form builder; Do advagg operations.


./, line 1785


function advagg_admin_remove_missing_files_from_db_button() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg.cache');
    // Remove aggregates that include missing files.
    $deleted = advagg_remove_missing_files_from_db();
    if (empty($deleted)) {
        drupal_set_message(t('No missing files found or they could not be safely cleared out of the database.'));
    else {
        drupal_set_message(t('Some missing files were found and could be safely cleared out of the database. <pre> @raw </pre>', array(
            '@raw' => print_r($deleted, TRUE),