Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.0.x modules/views_slideshow_cycle/src/Commands/ViewsSlideshowCycleCommands.php





View source

namespace Drupal\views_slideshow_cycle\Commands;

use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
use Drush\Drush;

 * Drush commands for Views Slideshow Cycle.
class ViewsSlideshowCycleCommands extends DrushCommands {
     * Download and install the jQuery Cycle library.
     * @command views:slideshow:cycle
     * @aliases dl-cycle,views-slideshow-cycle-cycle
    public function downloadCycle() {
        $this->installLibrary('jQuery Cycle', 'libraries/jquery.cycle', 'jquery.cycle.all.js', '');
     * Download and install the JSON2 library.
     * @command views:slideshow:json2
     * @aliases dl-json2,views-slideshow-cycle-json2
    public function downloadJson2() {
        $this->installLibrary('JSON2', 'libraries/json2', 'json2.js', '');
     * Download and install the jquery.hoverIntent library.
     * @command views:slideshow:hoverintent
     * @aliases dl-hoverintent,views-slideshow-cycle-hoverintent
    public function downloadHoverIntent() {
        $this->installLibrary('jQuery HoverIntent', 'libraries/jquery.hoverIntent', 'jquery.hoverIntent.js', '');
     * Download and install the jQuery.pause library.
     * @command views:slideshow:pause
     * @aliases dl-pause,views-slideshow-cycle-pause
    public function downloadPause() {
        $this->installLibrary('jQuery Pause', 'libraries/jquery.pause', 'jquery.pause.js', '');
     * Download and install the jQuery Cycle.
     * Download and install JQuery hoverIntent, JSON2 and Pause libraries.
     * @command views:slideshow:lib
     * @aliases dl-cycle-lib,views-slideshow-cycle-lib
    public function downloadLib() {
     * Helper function to download a library in the given directory.
    protected function installLibrary($name, $path, $filename, $url) {
        // Create the path if it does not exist.
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
            drush_op('mkdir', $path, 0755, TRUE);
                ->info(dt('Directory @path was created', [
                '@path' => $path,
        // Be sure we can write in the directory.
        $perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4);
        if ($perms !== '0755') {
            Drush::process('chmod 755 ' . $path);
        else {
            $perms = NULL;
        $dir = getcwd();
        // Download the JavaScript file.
        if (is_file($path . '/' . $filename)) {
                ->notice(dt('@name appears to be already installed.', [
                '@name' => $name,
        elseif (drush_op('chdir', $path) && Drush::process('wget ' . $url)) {
                ->success(dt('The latest version of @name has been downloaded to @path', [
                '@name' => $name,
                '@path' => $path,
        else {
                ->warning(dt('Drush was unable to download the @name library to @path', [
                '@name' => $name,
                '@path' => $path,
        // Restore the previous permissions.
        if ($perms) {
            Drush::process('chmod ' . $perms . ' ' . $path);



Title Deprecated Summary
ViewsSlideshowCycleCommands Drush commands for Views Slideshow Cycle.