Same name in other branches
- 6.0.x advagg_js_minify/ \JShrink\Minifier::saveString()
- 7.x-2.x advagg_js_compress/ \JShrink\Minifier::saveString()
- 8.x-2.x advagg_js_minify/ \JShrink\Minifier::saveString()
- 8.x-3.x advagg_js_minify/ \JShrink\Minifier::saveString()
- 8.x-4.x advagg_js_minify/ \JShrink\Minifier::saveString()
When a javascript string is detected this function crawls for the end of it and saves the whole string.
\RuntimeException Unclosed strings will throw an error
1 call to Minifier::saveString()
- Minifier::loop in advagg_js_minify/ - The primary action occurs here. This function loops through the input string, outputting anything that's relevant and discarding anything that is not.
advagg_js_minify/, line 480
- Minifier
- Minifier
protected function saveString() {
$startpos = $this->index;
// saveString is always called after a gets cleared, so we push b into
// that spot.
$this->a = $this->b;
// If this isn't a string we don't need to do anything.
if ($this->a !== "'" && $this->a !== '"') {
// String type is the quote used, " or '
$stringType = $this->a;
// Echo out that starting quote
echo $this->a;
// Loop until the string is done
while (true) {
// Grab the very next character and load it into a
$this->a = $this->getChar();
switch ($this->a) {
// If the string opener (single or double quote) is used
// output it and break out of the while loop-
// The string is finished!
case $stringType:
break 2;
// New lines in strings without line delimiters are bad- actual
// new lines will be represented by the string \n and not the actual
// character, so those will be treated just fine using the switch
// block below.
case "\n":
throw new \RuntimeException('Unclosed string at position: ' . $startpos);
// Escaped characters get picked up here. If it's an escaped new line it's not really needed
case '\\':
// a is a slash. We want to keep it, and the next character,
// unless it's a new line. New lines as actual strings will be
// preserved, but escaped new lines should be reduced.
$this->b = $this->getChar();
// If b is a new line we discard a and b and restart the loop.
if ($this->b === "\n") {
// echo out the escaped character and restart the loop.
echo $this->a . $this->b;
// Since we're not dealing with any special cases we simply
// output the character and continue our loop.
echo $this->a;