Same name in other branches
  1. 5.0.x \_views_slideshow_preprocess_views_view_slideshow()
  2. 8.x-4.x \_views_slideshow_preprocess_views_view_slideshow()

Views Slideshow: slideshow.

1 call to _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_view_slideshow()
template_preprocess_views_view_slideshow dans ./views_slideshow.module
Views Slideshow: Slideshow.


./, line 17


function _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_view_slideshow(&$vars) {
    $options = $vars['view']->style_plugin->options;
    $vars['skin'] = 'default';
    $vars['slideshow'] = '';
    $main_frame_module = $options['slideshow_type'];
    if (empty($main_frame_module)) {
        // Get all slideshow types.
        $slideshows = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('views_slideshow_slideshow_info');
        if ($slideshows) {
            foreach ($slideshows as $slideshow_id => $slideshow_info) {
                $main_frame_module = $slideshow_id;
    // Make sure the main slideshow settings are defined before building the
    // slideshow.
    if (empty($main_frame_module)) {
        drupal_set_message(t('No main frame module is enabled for views slideshow. ' . 'This is often because another module which Views Slideshow needs is not enabled. ' . 'For example, 3.x needs a module like "Views Slideshow: Cycle" enabled.'), 'error');
    elseif (empty($options[$main_frame_module])) {
        drupal_set_message(t('The options for !module does not exists.', array(
            '!module' => $main_frame_module,
        )), 'error');
    elseif (!empty($vars['rows'])) {
        $settings = $options[$main_frame_module];
        $view = $vars['view'];
        $rows = $vars['rows'];
        $num_divs = count($rows);
        $vss_id = $view->element['#name'] . '-' . $view->current_display;
        // Give each slideshow a unique id if there are more than one on the page.
        static $instances = array();
        if (isset($instances[$vss_id])) {
            $vss_id .= "_" . $instances[$vss_id];
        else {
            $instances[$vss_id] = 1;
        // Building our default methods.
        $methods = array(
            'goToSlide' => array(),
            'nextSlide' => array(),
            'pause' => array(),
            'play' => array(),
            'previousSlide' => array(),
            'transitionBegin' => array(),
            'transitionEnd' => array(),
        // Pull all widget info and slideshow info and merge them together.
        $widgets = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('views_slideshow_widget_info');
        $slideshows = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('views_slideshow_slideshow_info');
        $addons = array_merge($widgets, $slideshows);
        // Loop through all the addons and call their methods if needed.
        foreach ($addons as $addon_id => $addon_info) {
            foreach ($addon_info['accepts'] as $imp_key => $imp_value) {
                if (is_array($imp_value)) {
                    $methods[$imp_key][] = views_slideshow_format_addons_name($addon_id);
                else {
                    $methods[$imp_value][] = views_slideshow_format_addons_name($addon_id);
        $vars['#attached']['library'][] = 'views_slideshow/widget_info';
        $vars['#attached']['drupalSettings']['viewsSlideshow'][$vss_id] = array(
            'methods' => $methods,
            'paused' => 0,
        // Process Skins
        $skin_info = array();
        if (isset($options['skin_info'])) {
            $skin_info = $options['skin_info'];
        // Make sure $skin_info has all the values.
        $skin_info += array(
            'class' => 'default',
            'name' => t('Untitled skin'),
            'module' => 'views_slideshow',
            'libraries' => array(),
        $vars['skin'] = $skin_info['class'];
        foreach ($skin_info['libraries'] as $library) {
            $vars['#attached']['library'][] = $skin_info['module'] . '/' . $library;
        // Process Widgets.
        // Build weights.
        $weight = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= count($widgets); $i++) {
            $weight['top'][$i] = '';
            $weight['bottom'][$i] = '';
        foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget_name) {
            // Put our widgets in the right location.
            if ($options['widgets']['top'][$widget_id]['enable']) {
                $widget_weight = $options['widgets']['top'][$widget_id]['weight'] > count($widgets) ? count($widgets) : $options['widgets']['top'][$widget_id]['weight'];
                $weight['top'][$widget_weight][] = $widget_id;
            if ($options['widgets']['bottom'][$widget_id]['enable']) {
                $widget_weight = $options['widgets']['bottom'][$widget_id]['weight'] > count($widgets) ? count($widgets) : $options['widgets']['bottom'][$widget_id]['weight'];
                $weight['bottom'][$widget_weight][] = $widget_id;
        // Build our widgets.
        foreach ($weight as $location => $order) {
            $vars[$location . '_widget_rendered'] = '';
            foreach ($order as $order_num => $widgets) {
                if (is_array($widgets)) {
                    foreach ($widgets as $widget_id) {
                        $vars[$location . '_widget_rendered'][] = array(
                            '#theme' => $view->buildThemeFunctions($widget_id . '_widget_render'),
                            '#vss_id' => $vss_id,
                            '#view' => $view,
                            '#settings' => $options['widgets'][$location][$widget_id],
                            '#location' => $location,
                            '#rows' => $rows,
        // Process Slideshow.
        $slides = array(
            '#theme' => $view->buildThemeFunctions($main_frame_module . '_main_frame'),
            '#vss_id' => $vss_id,
            '#view' => $view,
            '#settings' => $settings,
            '#rows' => $rows,
        $vars['slideshow'] = array(
            '#theme' => $view->buildThemeFunctions('views_slideshow_main_section'),
            '#vss_id' => $vss_id,
            '#slides' => $slides,
            '#plugin' => $main_frame_module,