Gets the path to the jQuery pause library.

Return value

string The path to the pause library js file, or FALSE if not found.

2 calls to _views_slideshow_cycle_pause_library_path()
template_preprocess_views_slideshow_cycle_main_frame dans contrib/views_slideshow_cycle/theme/
Views Slideshow: Theme the main frame wrapper.
views_slideshow_cycle_views_slideshow_slideshow_type_form dans contrib/views_slideshow_cycle/
Implements hook_views_slideshow_slideshow_slideshow_type_form().


contrib/views_slideshow_cycle/views_slideshow_cycle.module, line 114


function _views_slideshow_cycle_pause_library_path() {
    $pause_path = libraries_get_path('jquery.pause');
    if (!empty($pause_path)) {
        // Attempt to use minified version of jQuery pause plugin.
        if (file_exists($pause_path . '/jquery.pause.min.js')) {
            $pause_path .= '/jquery.pause.min.js';
        elseif (file_exists($pause_path . '/jquery.pause.js')) {
            $pause_path .= '/jquery.pause.js';
        else {
            $pause_path = FALSE;
    else {
        $pause_path = FALSE;
    return $pause_path;