Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.x-1.x spambot.module 1 commentaire

Main module file.

Anti-spam module that uses data from to protect the user registration form against known spammers and spambots.



View source

 * @file
 * Main module file.
 * Anti-spam module that uses data from
 * to protect the user registration form against known spammers and spambots.
define('SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_BLOCKED_MESSAGE', 'Your email address or username or IP address is blacklisted.');
define('SPAMBOT_CONTENT_ACTION_UNPUBLISH', 'unpublish_content');
define('SPAMBOT_CONTENT_ACTION_DELETE', 'delete_content');

 * Implements hook_menu().
function spambot_menu() {
    $items['admin/config/system/spambot'] = array(
        'title' => 'Spambot',
        'description' => 'Configure the spambot module',
        'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access arguments' => array(
            'administer site configuration',
        'file' => '',
    $items['user/%user/spambot'] = array(
        'title' => 'Spam',
        'page callback' => 'spambot_user_spam',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access arguments' => array(
            'administer users',
        'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
        'file' => '',
    return $items;

 * Implements hook_permission().
function spambot_permission() {
    return array(
        'protected from spambot scans' => array(
            'title' => t('Protected from spambot scans'),
            'description' => t('Roles with this access permission would not be checked for spammer'),

 * Implements hook_admin_paths().
function spambot_admin_paths() {
    $paths = array(
        'user/*/spambot' => TRUE,
    return $paths;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function spambot_form_user_register_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
    if (variable_get('spambot_user_register_protect', TRUE)) {
        spambot_add_form_protection($form, array(
            'mail' => 'mail',
            'name' => 'name',
            'ip' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function spambot_form_user_admin_account_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
    foreach ($form['accounts']['#options'] as $uid => $user_options) {
        // Change $form['accounts']['#options'][$uid]['operations']['data']
        // into a multi-item render array so we can append to it.
        $form['accounts']['#options'][$uid]['operations']['data'] = array(
            'edit' => $form['accounts']['#options'][$uid]['operations']['data'],
        $form['accounts']['#options'][$uid]['operations']['data']['spam'] = array(
            '#type' => 'link',
            '#title' => t('spam'),
            '#href' => "user/{$uid}/spambot",
            // Ugly hack to insert a space.
'#prefix' => ' ',

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
function spambot_node_insert($node) {
        'nid' => $node->nid,
        'uid' => $node->uid,
        'hostname' => ip_address(),

 * Implements hook_node_delete().
function spambot_node_delete($node) {
    db_delete('node_spambot')->condition('nid', $node->nid)

 * Implements hook_cron().
function spambot_cron() {
    if ($limit = variable_get('spambot_cron_user_limit', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRON_USER_LIMIT)) {
        $last_uid = variable_get('spambot_last_checked_uid', 0);
        if ($last_uid < 1) {
            // Skip scanning the anonymous and superadmin users.
            $last_uid = 1;
        $query = db_select('users')->fields('users', array(
            ->condition('uid', $last_uid, '>')
            ->range(0, $limit);
        if (!variable_get('spambot_check_blocked_accounts', FALSE)) {
            $query->condition('status', 1);
        $uids = $query->execute()
        if ($uids) {
            $action = variable_get('spambot_spam_account_action', SPAMBOT_ACTION_NONE);
            $action_nodes = variable_get('spambot_spam_account_nodes_action', SPAMBOT_ACTION_NONE);
            $accounts = user_load_multiple($uids);
            foreach ($accounts as $account) {
                $result = spambot_account_is_spammer($account);
                if ($result > 0) {
                    $link = l(t('spammer'), 'user/' . $account->uid);
                    switch (user_access('protected from spambot scans', $account) ? SPAMBOT_ACTION_NONE : $action) {
                        case SPAMBOT_ACTION_BLOCK:
                            if ($account->status) {
                                // Block spammer's account.
                                $account->status = 0;
                                watchdog('spambot', 'Blocked spam account: @name &lt;@email&gt; (uid @uid)', array(
                                    '@name' => $account->name,
                                    '@email' => $account->mail,
                                    '@uid' => $account->uid,
                                ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
                            else {
                                // Don't block an already blocked account.
                                watchdog('spambot', 'Spam account already blocked: @name &lt;@email&gt; (uid @uid)', array(
                                    '@name' => $account->name,
                                    '@email' => $account->mail,
                                    '@uid' => $account->uid,
                                ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
                        case SPAMBOT_ACTION_DELETE:
                            watchdog('spambot', 'Deleted spam account: @name &lt;@email&gt; (uid @uid)', array(
                                '@name' => $account->name,
                                '@email' => $account->mail,
                                '@uid' => $account->uid,
                            ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
                            watchdog('spambot', 'Found spam account: @name &lt;@email&gt; (uid @uid)', array(
                                '@name' => $account->name,
                                '@email' => $account->mail,
                                '@uid' => $account->uid,
                            ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
                    spambot_delete_nodes_and_comments($account->uid, $action_nodes);
                    // Mark this uid as successfully checked.
                    variable_set('spambot_last_checked_uid', $account->uid);
                elseif ($result == 0) {
                    // Mark this uid as successfully checked.
                    variable_set('spambot_last_checked_uid', $account->uid);
                elseif ($result < 0) {
                    // Error contacting service, so pause processing.

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function spambot_flush_caches() {
    return array(

 * Validate callback for user_register form.
function spambot_user_register_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $validation_field_names = $form['#spambot_validation'];
    $values = $form_state['values'];
    $form_errors = form_get_errors();
    $email_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_email', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_EMAIL);
    $username_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_username', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_USERNAME);
    $ip_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_ip', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_IP);
    // Build request parameters according to the criteria to use.
    $request = array();
    if (!empty($values[$validation_field_names['mail']]) && $email_threshold > 0 && !spambot_check_whitelist('email', $values[$validation_field_names['mail']])) {
        $request['email'] = $values[$validation_field_names['mail']];
    if (!empty($values[$validation_field_names['name']]) && $username_threshold > 0 && !spambot_check_whitelist('username', $values[$validation_field_names['name']])) {
        $request['username'] = $values[$validation_field_names['name']];
    $ip = ip_address();
    if ($ip_threshold > 0 && $ip != '' && $validation_field_names['ip'] && !spambot_check_whitelist('ip', $ip)) {
        // Make sure we have a valid IPv4 address (API doesn't support IPv6 yet).
        if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === FALSE) {
            watchdog('spambot', 'Invalid IP address on registration: @ip. Spambot will not rely on it.', array(
                '@ip' => $ip,
        else {
            $request['ip'] = $ip;
    // Only do a remote API request if there is anything to check.
    if ($request && !$form_errors) {
        $data = array();
        if (spambot_sfs_request($request, $data)) {
            $substitutions = array(
                '@email' => $values[$validation_field_names['mail']],
                '%email' => $values[$validation_field_names['mail']],
                '@username' => $values[$validation_field_names['name']],
                '%username' => $values[$validation_field_names['name']],
                '@ip' => $ip,
                '%ip' => $ip,
            $reasons = array();
            if ($email_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['email']['appears']) && $data['email']['frequency'] >= $email_threshold) {
                form_set_error('mail', format_string(variable_get('spambot_blocked_message_email', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_BLOCKED_MESSAGE), $substitutions));
                $reasons[] = t('email=@value', array(
                    '@value' => $request['email'],
            if ($username_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['username']['appears']) && $data['username']['frequency'] >= $username_threshold) {
                form_set_error('name', format_string(variable_get('spambot_blocked_message_username', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_BLOCKED_MESSAGE), $substitutions));
                $reasons[] = t('username=@value', array(
                    '@value' => $request['username'],
            if ($ip_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['ip']['appears']) && $data['ip']['frequency'] >= $ip_threshold) {
                form_set_error('', format_string(variable_get('spambot_blocked_message_ip', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_BLOCKED_MESSAGE), $substitutions));
                $reasons[] = t('ip=@value', array(
                    '@value' => $request['ip'],
            if ($reasons) {
                if (variable_get('spambot_log_blocked_registration', TRUE)) {
                    watchdog('spambot', 'Blocked registration: @reasons', array(
                        '@reasons' => implode(',', $reasons),
                    $hook_args = array(
                        'request' => $request,
                        'reasons' => $reasons,
                    module_invoke_all('spambot_registration_blocked', $hook_args);
                // Slow them down if configured.
                if ($delay = variable_get('spambot_blacklisted_delay', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_DELAY)) {

 * Invoke's api.
 * @param array $query
 *   A keyed array of url parameters ie. array('email' => '').
 * @param array $data
 *   An array that will be filled with the data from
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE on successful request (and $data will contain the data)
 *   FALSE otherwise.
function spambot_sfs_request(array $query, array &$data) {
    // An empty request results in no match.
    if (empty($query)) {
        return FALSE;
    // Attempt to return a response from the cache bins if cache is enabled.
    $cache_enabled = variable_get('spambot_enable_cache', TRUE);
    if ($cache_enabled) {
        if (isset($query['email'])) {
            $query['email'] = is_array($query['email']) ? $query['email'] : array(
            foreach ($query['email'] as $query_email) {
                $cache_email = cache_get("email:{$query_email}", 'cache_spambot');
                if ($cache_email !== FALSE) {
                    $data['email'] = $cache_email->data;
        if (isset($query['username'])) {
            $cache_username = cache_get("username:{$query['username']}", 'cache_spambot');
            if ($cache_username !== FALSE) {
                $data['username'] = $cache_username->data;
        if (isset($query['ip'])) {
            $cache_ip = cache_get("ip:{$query['ip']}", 'cache_spambot');
            if ($cache_ip !== FALSE) {
                $data['ip'] = $cache_ip->data;
        // Serve only a cached response if one exists.
        if (!empty($data)) {
            $data['success'] = TRUE;
            return TRUE;
    // Use php serialisation format.
    $query['f'] = 'serial';
    $url = '' . http_build_query($query, '', '&');
    $result = drupal_http_request($url);
    if (!empty($result->code) && $result->code == 200 && empty($result->error) && !empty($result->data)) {
        $data = unserialize($result->data);
        // Store responses to the cache for fast lookups.
        if ($cache_enabled) {
            $expire = variable_get('spambot_cache_expire', CACHE_PERMANENT);
            $expire = $expire != CACHE_PERMANENT ? time() + $expire : CACHE_PERMANENT;
            $expire_false = variable_get('spambot_cache_expire_false', 300);
            $expire_false = $expire_false != CACHE_PERMANENT ? time() + $expire_false : CACHE_PERMANENT;
            if (!empty($data['email'])) {
                foreach ($data['email'] as $data_email) {
                    $expire_email = $data_email['appears'] ? $expire : $expire_false;
                    cache_set("email:{$data_email['value']}", $data_email, 'cache_spambot', $expire_email);
            if (!empty($data['username'])) {
                foreach ($data['username'] as $data_username) {
                    $expire_username = $data_username['appears'] ? $expire : $expire_false;
                    cache_set("username:{$query['username']}", $data_username, 'cache_spambot', $expire_username);
            if (!empty($data['ip'])) {
                $expire_ip = $data['ip']['appears'] ? $expire : $expire_false;
                cache_set("ip:{$query['ip']}", $data['ip'], 'cache_spambot', $expire_ip);
        if (!empty($data['success'])) {
            return TRUE;
        else {
            watchdog('spambot', "Request unsuccessful: %url <pre>\n@dump</pre>", array(
                '%url' => $url,
                '@dump' => print_r($data, TRUE),
    else {
        watchdog('spambot', "Error contacting service: %url <pre>\n@dump</pre>", array(
            '%url' => $url,
            '@dump' => print_r($result, TRUE),
    return FALSE;

 * Checks an account to see if it's a spammer.
 * This one uses configurable automated criteria checking
 * of email and username only.
 * @param object $account
 *   User account.
 * @return int
 *   Positive if spammer, 0 if not spammer, negative if error.
function spambot_account_is_spammer($account) {
    $email_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_email', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_EMAIL);
    $username_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_username', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_USERNAME);
    $ip_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_ip', SPAMBOT_DEFAULT_CRITERIA_IP);
    // Build request parameters according to the criteria to use.
    $request = array();
    if ($email_threshold > 0) {
        foreach (array(
        ) as $_email_property) {
            if (!empty($account->{$_email_property}) && !spambot_check_whitelist('email', $account->{$_email_property})) {
                $request['email'][] = $account->{$_email_property};
    if (!empty($account->name) && $username_threshold > 0 && !spambot_check_whitelist('username', $account->name)) {
        $request['username'] = $account->name;
    // Only do a remote API request if there is anything to check.
    if ($request) {
        $data = array();
        if (spambot_sfs_request($request, $data)) {
            $email_condition = FALSE;
            if ($email_threshold > 0) {
                foreach ($data['email'] as $_email) {
                    if (!empty($_email['appears']) && $_email['frequency'] >= $email_threshold) {
                        $email_condition = TRUE;
            $username_condition = $username_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['username']['appears']) && $data['username']['frequency'] >= $username_threshold;
            if ($email_condition || $username_condition) {
                return 1;
        else {
            // Return error.
            return -1;
    // Now check IP's
    // If any IP matches the threshold, then flag as a spammer.
    if ($ip_threshold > 0) {
        $ips = spambot_account_ip_addresses($account);
        foreach ($ips as $ip) {
            // Skip the loopback interface.
            if ($ip == '') {
            elseif (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 | FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === FALSE) {
                $link = l(t('user'), 'user/' . $account->uid);
                watchdog('spambot', 'Invalid IP address: %ip (uid=%uid, name=%name, email=%email). Spambot will not rely on it.', array(
                    '%ip' => $ip,
                    '%name' => $account->name,
                    '%email' => $account->mail,
                    '%uid' => $account->uid,
                ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
            $request = array(
                'ip' => $ip,
            $data = array();
            if (spambot_sfs_request($request, $data)) {
                if (!empty($data['ip']['appears']) && $data['ip']['frequency'] >= $ip_threshold) {
                    return 1;
            else {
                // Abort on error.
                return -1;
    // Return no match.
    return 0;

 * Retrieves a list of IP addresses for an account.
 * @param object $account
 *   Account to retrieve IP addresses for.
 * @return array
 *   An array of IP addresses, or an empty array if none found
function spambot_account_ip_addresses($account) {
    $hostnames = array();
    // Retrieve IPs from node_spambot table.
    $items = db_select('node_spambot')->distinct()
        ->fields('node_spambot', array(
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
    $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $items);
    // Retrieve IPs from any sessions which may still exist.
    $items = db_select('sessions')->distinct()
        ->fields('sessions', array(
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
    $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $items);
    // Retrieve IPs from comments.
    if (module_exists('comment')) {
        $items = db_select('comment')->distinct()
            ->fields('comment', array(
            ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
        $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $items);
    // Retrieve IPs from statistics.
    if (module_exists('statistics')) {
        $items = db_select('accesslog')->distinct()
            ->fields('accesslog', array(
            ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
        $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $items);
    // Retrieve IPs from user stats.
    if (module_exists('user_stats')) {
        $items = db_select('user_stats_ips')->distinct()
            ->fields('user_stats_ips', array(
            ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
        $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $items);
    // Retrieve IPs from IP address manager.
    if (module_exists('ip')) {
        $items = db_select('ip_tracker')->distinct()
            ->fields('ip_tracker', [
            ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '=')
        $rows = array();
        foreach ($items as $row) {
            if (isset($row->ip)) {
                $row->ip = long2ip($row->ip);
                $rows[] = $row;
        $hostnames = array_merge($hostnames, $rows);
    $hostnames = array_unique($hostnames);
    return $hostnames;

 * Reports an account as a spammer.
 * Requires ip address and evidence of a single incident.
 * @param object $account
 *   Account to report.
 * @param string $ip
 *   IP address to report.
 * @param string $evidence
 *   Evidence to report.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if successful, FALSE if error
function spambot_report_account($account, $ip, $evidence) {
    $success = FALSE;
    if ($key = variable_get('spambot_sfs_api_key', FALSE)) {
        $query['api_key'] = $key;
        $query['email'] = $account->mail;
        $query['username'] = $account->name;
        $query['ip_addr'] = $ip;
        $query['evidence'] = truncate_utf8($evidence, SPAMBOT_MAX_EVIDENCE_LENGTH);
        $url = '';
        $options = array(
            'headers' => array(
                'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            'method' => 'POST',
            'data' => http_build_query($query, '', '&'),
        $result = drupal_http_request($url, $options);
        if (!empty($result->code) && $result->code == 200 && !empty($result->data) && stripos($result->data, 'data submitted successfully') !== FALSE) {
            $success = TRUE;
        elseif (stripos($result->data, 'duplicate') !== FALSE) {
            // can return a 503 code
            // with data = '<p>recent duplicate entry</p>'
            // which we will treat as successful.
            $success = TRUE;
        else {
            watchdog('spambot', "Error reporting account: %url <pre>\n@dump</pre>", array(
                '%url' => $url,
                '@dump' => print_r($result, TRUE),
    return $success;

 * Check if current data $type is whitelisted.
 * @param string $type
 *   Type can be one of these three values: 'ip', 'email' or 'username'.
 * @param string $value
 *   Value to be checked.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if data is whitelisted, FALSE otherwise.
function spambot_check_whitelist($type, $value) {
    switch ($type) {
        case 'ip':
            $whitelist_ips = variable_get('spambot_whitelist_ip', '');
            $result = strpos($whitelist_ips, $value) !== FALSE;
        case 'email':
            $whitelist_usernames = variable_get('spambot_whitelist_email', '');
            $result = strpos($whitelist_usernames, $value) !== FALSE;
        case 'username':
            $whitelist_emails = variable_get('spambot_whitelist_username', '');
            $result = strpos($whitelist_emails, $value) !== FALSE;
            $result = FALSE;
    return $result;

 * Form builder function to add spambot validations.
 * @param array $form
 *   Form array on which will be added spambot validation.
 * @param array $options
 *   Array of options to be added to form.
function spambot_add_form_protection(array &$form, array $options = array()) {
    // Don't add any protections if the user can bypass the Spambot.
    if (!user_access('protected from spambot scans')) {
        // Allow other modules to alter the protections applied to this form.
        drupal_alter('spambot_form_protections', $options, $form);
        $form['#spambot_validation']['name'] = !empty($options['name']) ? $options['name'] : '';
        $form['#spambot_validation']['mail'] = !empty($options['mail']) ? $options['mail'] : '';
        $form['#spambot_validation']['ip'] = isset($options['ip']) && is_bool($options['ip']) ? $options['ip'] : TRUE;
        $form['#validate'][] = 'spambot_user_register_form_validate';

 * Delete nodes and comments for user accounts which are found to be spammers.
 * @param int $uid
 *   User account ID.
 * @param string $action
 *   Action to take with nodes and comments: 'unpublish_content', 'delete_content'.
function spambot_delete_nodes_and_comments($uid, $action) {
    if ($action) {
        $comments_enabled = module_exists('comment');
        // Prepare some data.
        $nodes = db_select('node')->fields('node', array(
            ->condition('uid', $uid, '=')
        $comments = array();
        if ($comments_enabled) {
            $comments = db_select('comment')->fields('comment', array(
                ->condition('uid', $uid, '=')
        switch ($action) {
            case 'unpublish_content':
                // Unpublish nodes and content.
                if ($nodes) {
                    module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.admin');
                    node_mass_update($nodes, array(
                        'status' => 0,
                if ($comments) {
                        'status' => COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED,
                        ->condition('uid', $uid)
                drupal_set_message(t('Nodes and comments have been unpublished.'));
            case 'delete_content':
                // Delete nodes and content.
                if ($comments) {
                drupal_set_message(t('Nodes and comments have been deleted.'));


Titre Deprecated Résumé
spambot_account_ip_addresses Retrieves a list of IP addresses for an account.
spambot_account_is_spammer Checks an account to see if it's a spammer.
spambot_add_form_protection Form builder function to add spambot validations.
spambot_admin_paths Implements hook_admin_paths().
spambot_check_whitelist Check if current data $type is whitelisted.
spambot_cron Implements hook_cron().
spambot_delete_nodes_and_comments Delete nodes and comments for user accounts which are found to be spammers.
spambot_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
spambot_form_user_admin_account_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
spambot_form_user_register_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
spambot_menu Implements hook_menu().
spambot_node_delete Implements hook_node_delete().
spambot_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
spambot_permission Implements hook_permission().
spambot_report_account Reports an account as a spammer.
spambot_sfs_request Invoke's api.
spambot_user_register_form_validate Validate callback for user_register form.
