Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.x-1.x quicktabs.module \quicktabs_load_multiple()

Load the quicktabs data.

6 calls to quicktabs_load_multiple()
QuickQtabsContent::optionsForm dans plugins/
Method for returning the form elements to display for this tab type on the admin form.
quicktabs_block_info dans ./quicktabs.module
Implements hook_block_info().
quicktabs_i18n_update_strings dans ./quicktabs.module
Update translatable strings.
quicktabs_list dans ./
Page callback to list quicktabs in the system.
quicktabs_load dans ./quicktabs.module
Load the quicktabs data for a particular instance.

... See full list


./quicktabs.module, line 289


function quicktabs_load_multiple($names = array()) {
    $defaults = empty($names) ? ctools_export_load_object('quicktabs', 'all') : ctools_export_load_object('quicktabs', 'names', $names);
    return $defaults;