Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x quicktabs.install
  2. 8.x-1.x quicktabs.install

Install, update and uninstall functions for the quicktabs module.



View source

 * @file
 *   Install, update and uninstall functions for the quicktabs module.

 * Implement hook_schema().
function quicktabs_schema() {
    $schema['quicktabs'] = array(
        'description' => 'The quicktabs table.',
        'export' => array(
            'key' => 'machine_name',
            'identifier' => 'quicktabs',
            'default hook' => 'quicktabs_default_quicktabs',
            'api' => array(
                'owner' => 'quicktabs',
                'api' => 'quicktabs',
                'minimum_version' => 1,
                'current_version' => 1,
        'fields' => array(
            'machine_name' => array(
                'description' => 'The primary identifier for a qt block.',
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 255,
                'not null' => TRUE,
            'ajax' => array(
                'description' => 'Whether this is an ajax views block.',
                'type' => 'int',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => 0,
            'hide_empty_tabs' => array(
                'description' => 'Whether this tabset hides empty tabs.',
                'type' => 'int',
                'size' => 'tiny',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => 0,
            'default_tab' => array(
                'description' => 'Default tab.',
                'type' => 'int',
                'unsigned' => TRUE,
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'default' => 0,
            'title' => array(
                'description' => 'The title of this quicktabs block.',
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 255,
                'not null' => TRUE,
            'tabs' => array(
                'description' => 'A serialized array of the contents of this qt block.',
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'medium',
                'not null' => TRUE,
                'serialize' => TRUE,
            'style' => array(
                'description' => 'The tab style.',
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'length' => 255,
                'not null' => TRUE,
        'primary key' => array(
    return $schema;

 * Update to Drupal 7.
function quicktabs_update_7200() {
    // If upgrading from 6.x-2.x, we will need to convert all QT instances to the
    // new schema. 6.x-3.x will already be converted.
    if (db_field_exists('quicktabs', 'machine_name')) {
        return t('No updates necessary');
    // Pull all existing quicktabs, and then delete existing quicktabs. We will reinsert.
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {quicktabs}");
    if (!db_query("DELETE FROM {quicktabs}")) {
        throw new DrupalUpdateException(t('Could not complete the update.'));
    db_drop_field('quicktabs', 'qtid');
    $new_field = array(
        'description' => 'The primary identifier for a qt block.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
    db_add_field('quicktabs', 'machine_name', $new_field);
    db_add_primary_key('quicktabs', array(
    $output = $used = array();
    foreach ($result as $qt) {
        $row = (array) $qt;
        // Generate a machine-readable string
        $qt_name = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', '_', $row['title']));
        $i = 0;
        while (in_array($i == 0 ? $qt_name : "{$qt_name}_{$i}", $used)) {
        $row['machine_name'] = $used[] = $i == 0 ? $qt_name : "{$qt_name}_{$i}";
        $placeholders = implode(', ', array_keys($row));
        $values = array();
        // Ugh - really?? Somebody tell me there's a better way to do this :-/
        foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
            $values[':' . $name] = $value;
        $tokens = implode(', ', array_keys($values));
        db_query("INSERT INTO {quicktabs} ({$placeholders}) VALUES({$tokens})", $values);
        $output[] = "Converted quicktab {$row['machine_name']}.";
    return implode('<br />', $output);

 * Remove size 'tiny' from "default_tab" field as this results in ctools exportables
 * designating it as a boolean value. Add size 'tiny' to "hide_empty_tabs" field as
 * this ought to be designated as a boolean value.
function quicktabs_update_7201() {
    $default_tab_field = array(
        'description' => 'Default tab.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    db_change_field('quicktabs', 'default_tab', 'default_tab', $default_tab_field);
    $hide_empty_tabs_field = array(
        'description' => 'Whether this tabset hides empty tabs.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    db_change_field('quicktabs', 'hide_empty_tabs', 'hide_empty_tabs', $hide_empty_tabs_field);


Titre Deprecated Résumé
quicktabs_schema Implement hook_schema().
quicktabs_update_7200 Update to Drupal 7.
quicktabs_update_7201 Remove size 'tiny' from "default_tab" field as this results in ctools exportables designating it as a boolean value. Add size 'tiny' to "hide_empty_tabs" field as this ought to be designated as a boolean value.