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 * A QuickSet object is an unrendered Quicktabs instance, essentially just a
 * container of content items, as defined by its configuration settings and the
 * array of content items it contains.
class QuickSet {
     * The unique name of the QuickSet object.
     * This corresponds to the machine name as stored in the database or as defined
     * in code.
     * @var string
    protected $name;
     * The contents array.
     * An array of objects that implement the QuickContentRenderable interface.
     * @var array
    protected $contents;
     * An array of settings controlling the behaviour of the QuickSet object. See
     * the getDefaultSettings() static function of this class for the full list of
     * settings.
     * @var array
    protected $settings;
     * Accessors.
    public function getName() {
        return $this->name;
    public function getContents() {
        return $this->contents;
    public function getSettings() {
        return $this->settings;
    public function getTitle() {
        return isset($this->settings['title']) ? $this->translateString($this->settings['title'], 'title') : $this->name;
     * Instantiate, populate and return a QuickSet object wrapped in a renderer.
     * @param $name
     *   The unique name (machine name) of the QuickSet instance.
     * @param $contents
     *   The array of content items, each one itself an array with at least a 'type'
     *   key, a 'title' key, and the other info necessary for that type.
     * @param $renderer
     *   The plugin key for this renderer plugin
     * @param $settings
     *   An array of settings determining the behaviour of this QuickSet instance.
    public static function QuickSetRendererFactory($name, $contents, $renderer, $settings) {
        if ($class = ctools_plugin_load_class('quicktabs', 'renderers', $renderer, 'handler')) {
            try {
                $qs = new self($name, $contents, $settings);
            } catch (InvalidQuickSetException $e) {
                watchdog('Quicktabs', $e->getMessage());
                return NULL;
            return new $class($qs);
     * Returns a reference to an object that implements the QuickContentRenderable
     * interface.
    public static function getContentRenderer($tab) {
        if ($tab['type'] == 'prerendered') {
            return new QuickPreRenderedContent($tab);
        if ($content = QuickContent::factory($tab['type'], $tab)) {
            return $content;
        return NULL;
     * Static method to retrieve content from an ajax call. This is called by the
     * quicktabs_ajax() callback in quicktabs.module.
    public static function ajaxRenderContent($type, $args) {
        if ($renderer = self::getContentRenderer(array(
            'type' => $type,
        ))) {
            $output = $renderer->render(FALSE, $args);
            return !empty($output) ? drupal_render($output) : '';
        return '';
     * Ensure sensible default settings for each QuickSet object.
    private static function getDefaultSettings() {
        return array(
            'title' => '<none>',
            'style' => 'nostyle',
            'hide_empty_tabs' => 0,
            'ajax' => 0,
            'default_tab' => 0,
            'options' => array(),
     * Constructor
    public function __construct($name, $contents, $settings) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->contents = array();
        foreach ($contents as $key => $item) {
            // Instantiate a content renderer object and add it to the contents array.
            if ($renderer = self::getContentRenderer($item)) {
                $this->contents[$key] = $renderer;
        $default_settings = self::getDefaultSettings();
        $this->settings = array_merge($default_settings, $settings);
        // Set the default style if necessary.
        if ($this->settings['style'] == 'default') {
            $this->settings['style'] = variable_get('quicktabs_tabstyle', 'nostyle');
     * Returns an ajax path to be used on ajax-enabled tab links.
     * @param $index The index of the tab, i.e where it fits into the QuickSet
     * instance.
     * @param $type The type of content we are providing an ajax path for.
    public function getAjaxPath($index, $type) {
        return 'quicktabs/ajax/' . $this->name . '/' . $index . '/' . $type;
     * Translates Quicktabs user-defined strings if the i18n module is
     * enabled.
    public function translateString($string, $type = 'tab', $index = 0) {
        switch ($type) {
            case 'tab':
                $name = "tab:{$this->name}:title:" . md5($string);
            case 'title':
                $name = "title:{$this->name}";
        return quicktabs_translate($name, $string);
     * This method does some initial set-up of the tab contents, such as hiding
     * tabs with no content if the hide_empty_tabs option is set. It also makes sure
     * that prerendered contents are never attempted to be loaded via ajax.
     * @throws InvalidQuickSetException if there are no contents to render.
    protected function prepareContents() {
        if (!count($this->contents)) {
            throw new InvalidQuickSetException('There are no contents to render.');
        if ($this->settings['hide_empty_tabs'] && !$this->settings['ajax']) {
            // Check if any tabs need to be hidden because of empty content.
            $renderable_contents = 0;
            foreach ($this->contents as $key => $tab) {
                $contents = $tab->render(TRUE);
                if (!empty($contents)) {
                    // If it's block type quicktab, #markup will be on level lower.
                    if (!isset($contents['#markup'])) {
                        $contents = reset($contents);
                    $string = strip_tags($contents['#markup']);
                    // If string contains only whitespaces it will be removed.
                    $string = trim($string);
                else {
                    $string = $contents;
                if (!$string) {
                    // Rather than removing the item, we set it to NULL. This way we retain
                    // the same indices across tabs, so that permanent links to particular
                    // tabs can be relied upon.
                    $this->contents[$key] = NULL;
                    // The default tab must not be a hidden tab.
                    if ($this->settings['default_tab'] == $key) {
                        $this->settings['default_tab'] = ($key + 1) % count($this->contents);
                else {
            if (!$renderable_contents) {
                throw new InvalidQuickSetException('There are no contents to render.');
        elseif ($this->settings['ajax']) {
            // Make sure that there is at most 1 prerendered tab and it is the default tab.
            // Prerendered content cannot be rendered via ajax.
            $has_prerendered = FALSE;
            // keep track of whether we have found a prerendered tab.
            foreach ($this->contents as $key => $tab) {
                $type = $tab->getType();
                if ($type == 'prerendered') {
                    if (!$has_prerendered) {
                        $has_prerendered = TRUE;
                        $this->settings['default_tab'] = $key;
                        // In the case of a direct link to a different tab, the 'default_tab'
                        // will be overridden, so we need to make sure it does not attempt
                        // to load a pre-rendered tab via ajax. Turn ajax option off.
                        if ($this->getActiveTab() !== $key) {
                            $this->settings['ajax'] = 0;
                    else {
                        // We are on a second custom tab and the ajax option is set, we cannot
                        // render custom tabs via ajax, so we skip out of the loop, set the
                        // ajax option to off, and call the method again.
                        $this->settings['ajax'] = 0;
     * Returns the active tab for a given Quicktabs instance. This could be coming
     * from the URL or just from the settings for this instance. If neither, it
     * defaults to 0.
    public function getActiveTab() {
        $active_tab = isset($this->settings['default_tab']) ? $this->settings['default_tab'] : key($this->contents);
        $active_tab = isset($_GET['qt-' . $this->name]) ? $_GET['qt-' . $this->name] : $active_tab;
        $active_tab = isset($active_tab) && isset($this->contents[$active_tab]) ? $active_tab : QUICKTABS_DELTA_NONE;
        return $active_tab;


 * Abstract base class for QuickSet Renderers.
 * A renderer object contains a reference to a QuickSet object, which it can
 * then render.
abstract class QuickRenderer {
     * @var QuickSet
    protected $quickset;
     * Constructor
    public function __construct($quickset) {
        $this->quickset = $quickset;
     * Accessor method for the title.
    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->quickset
     * The only method that renderer plugins must implement.
     * @return A render array to be passed to drupal_render().
    public abstract function render();
     * Method for returning the form elements to display for this renderer type on
     * the admin form.
     * @param $qt An object representing the Quicktabs instance that the tabs are
     * being built for.
    public static function optionsForm($qt) {
        return array();


 * The classes below relate to individual tab content  *

 * Each QuickSet object has a "contents" property which is an array of objects
 * that implement the QuickContentRenderable interface.
interface QuickContentRenderable {
     * Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 
     * 'prerendered'.
    public static function getType();
     * Returns the tab title.
    public function getTitle();
     * Returns an array of settings specific to the type of content.
    public function getSettings();
     * Renders the content.
     * @param $hide_emtpy If set to true, then the renderer should return an empty
     * array if there is no content to display, for example if the user does not
     * have access to the requested content.
     * @param $args Used during an ajax call to pass in the settings necessary to
     * render this type of content.
    public function render($hide_empty = FALSE, $args = array());
     * Returns an array of keys to use for constructing the correct arguments for
     * an ajax callback to retrieve content of this type. The order of the keys
     * returned affects the order of the args passed in to the render method when
     * called via ajax (see the render() method above).
    public function getAjaxKeys();
     * Returns an array of keys, sufficient to represent the content uniquely.
    public function getUniqueKeys();


 * Abstract base class for content plugins.
abstract class QuickContent implements QuickContentRenderable {
     * Used as the title of the tab.
     * @var string
    protected $title;
     * An array containing the information that defines the tab content, specific
     * to its type.
     * @var array
    protected $settings;
     * A render array of the contents.
     * @var array
    protected $rendered_content;
     * Constructor
    public function __construct($item) {
        $this->title = isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : '';
        // We do not need to store title, type or weight in the settings array, which
        // is for type-specific settings.
        unset($item['title'], $item['type'], $item['weight']);
        $this->settings = $item;
     * Accessor for the tab title.
    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->title;
     * Accessor for the tab settings.
    public function getSettings() {
        return $this->settings;
     * Instantiate a content type object.
     * @param $name
     *   The type name of the plugin.
     * @param $item
     *   An array containing the item definition
    public static function factory($name, $item) {
        if ($class = ctools_plugin_load_class('quicktabs', 'contents', $name, 'handler')) {
            // We now need to check the plugin's dependencies, to make sure they're installed.
            // This info has already been statically cached at this point so there's no
            // harm in making a call to ctools_get_plugins().
            $plugin = ctools_get_plugins('quicktabs', 'contents', $name);
            if (isset($plugin['dependencies'])) {
                foreach ($plugin['dependencies'] as $dep) {
                    // If any dependency is missing we cannot instantiate our class.
                    if (!module_exists($dep)) {
                        return NULL;
            return new $class($item);
        return NULL;
     * Method for returning the form elements to display for this tab type on
     * the admin form.
     * @param $delta Integer representing this tab's position in the tabs array.
     * @param $qt An object representing the Quicktabs instance that the tabs are
     * being built for.
    public abstract function optionsForm($delta, $qt);


 * This class implements the same interface that content plugins do but it is not
 * a content plugin. It is a special class for pre-rendered content which is used
 * when "custom" tabs are added to existing Quicktabs instances in a call to
 * quicktabs_build_quicktabs().
class QuickPreRenderedContent implements QuickContentRenderable {
    public static function getType() {
        return 'prerendered';
     * Used as the title of the tab.
     * @var title
    protected $title;
     * A render array of the contents.
     * @var array
    protected $rendered_content;
     * An array containing the information that defines the tab content, specific
     * to its type.
     * @var array
    protected $settings;
     * Constructor
    public function __construct($item) {
        $contents = isset($item['contents']) ? $item['contents'] : array();
        if (!is_array($contents)) {
            $contents = array(
                '#markup' => $contents,
        $this->rendered_content = $contents;
        $this->title = isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : '';
        unset($item['title'], $item['contents']);
        $this->settings = $item;
     * Accessor for the tab title.
    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->title;
     * Accessor for the tab settings.
    public function getSettings() {
        return $this->settings;
     * The render method simply returns the contents that were passed in and
     * stored during construction.
    public function render($hide_empty = FALSE, $args = array()) {
        return $this->rendered_content;
     * This content cannot be rendered via ajax so we don't return any ajax keys.
    public function getAjaxKeys() {
        return array();
    public function getUniqueKeys() {
        return array(


 * Create our own exception class.
class InvalidQuickSetException extends Exception {



Titre Deprecated Résumé
InvalidQuickSetException Create our own exception class.
QuickContent Abstract base class for content plugins.
QuickPreRenderedContent This class implements the same interface that content plugins do but it is not a content plugin. It is a special class for pre-rendered content which is used when "custom" tabs are added to existing Quicktabs instances in a call…
QuickRenderer Abstract base class for QuickSet Renderers.
QuickSet A QuickSet object is an unrendered Quicktabs instance, essentially just a container of content items, as defined by its configuration settings and the array of content items it contains.


Titre Deprecated Résumé
QuickContentRenderable Each QuickSet object has a "contents" property which is an array of objects that implement the QuickContentRenderable interface.