Onglets principaux

Titre Deprecated Nom du fichier Résumé Direct uses Strings
hook_quicktabs_alter ./quicktabs.api.php Alter the Quicktabs instance before it gets rendered.
hook_quicktabs_tabstyles ./quicktabs.api.php This hook allows other modules to create additional tab styles for the quicktabs module.
quickset_renderer_factory ./quicktabs.module Returns a renderered QuickSet. 1
quicktabs_ajax ./quicktabs.module Ajax callback for tab content.
quicktabs_ajax_callback ./ Ajax callback for the add tab and remove tab buttons. 5
quicktabs_block_delete ./ Deletion of quicktab block.
quicktabs_block_delete_submit ./ Submit handler for quicktab block deletion.
quicktabs_block_info ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_block_info().
quicktabs_block_view ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_block_view().
quicktabs_build_quicktabs ./quicktabs.module Constructs a Quicktabs instance. 2
quicktabs_callback_element_validate ./ 1
quicktabs_clone ./ Clone QuickTabs.
quicktabs_ctools_plugin_type ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
quicktabs_delete ./quicktabs.module Deletes a quicktab instance. 1
quicktabs_export ./quicktabs.module Exports the specified Quicktabs instance with translatable strings. 1
quicktabs_export_form ./ Export form for quicktabs.
quicktabs_form ./ Build the quicktab creation and edit form. 1
quicktabs_get_blocks ./ Helper function to get all blocks. 1
quicktabs_get_css ./quicktabs.module Fetch the necessary CSS files for the tab style.
quicktabs_get_views ./ Helper function to get all views. 1
quicktabs_help ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_help().
quicktabs_i18n_string_info ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_i18n_string_info()
quicktabs_i18n_string_refresh ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_i18n_string_refresh().
quicktabs_i18n_update_strings ./quicktabs.module Update translatable strings. 2
quicktabs_load ./quicktabs.module Load the quicktabs data for a particular instance. 5
quicktabs_load_multiple ./quicktabs.module Load the quicktabs data. 5
quicktabs_machine_name_exists ./quicktabs.module Determine if the machine name is in use. 4
quicktabs_more_tabs_submit ./ Submit handler for the "Add Tab" button. 4
quicktabs_quicktabs_contents ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_quicktabs_contents().
quicktabs_quicktabs_renderers ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_quicktabs_renderers().
quicktabs_remove_tab_submit ./ Submit handler for the "Remove Tab" button. 1
quicktabs_save ./quicktabs.module Creates a new quicktab instance. 1
quicktabs_schema ./quicktabs.install Implements hook_schema().
quicktabs_theme ./quicktabs.module Implements hook_theme().
quicktabs_translate ./quicktabs.module 1
quicktabs_update ./quicktabs.module Updates an existing quicktab instance.
quicktabs_update_7300 ./quicktabs.install Update to 7.x-3.x
quicktabs_update_7301 ./quicktabs.install Add the options field which will hold renderer-specific options.
quicktabs_update_7302 ./quicktabs.install Rebuild the registry because of changed method name.
quicktabs_update_7303 ./quicktabs.install Add support for view modes.
quicktabs_views_api ./quicktabs.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
quicktabs_views_plugins ./ Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
quick_content_factory ./quicktabs.module Returns an object that implements the QuickContent interface. 1
template_preprocess_quicktabs_admin_form_tabs ./ Theme function for quicktabs admin page. Theme the form elements for the tabs as draggable table rows.
theme_qt_accordion ./quicktabs.module Theme function to output markup for the accordion style.
theme_qt_quicktabs ./quicktabs.module Theme function to output content for classic Quicktabs style tabs.
theme_qt_quicktabs_tabset ./quicktabs.module Theme function to output tablinks for classic Quicktabs style tabs.
theme_qt_ui_tabs ./quicktabs.module Theme function to output content for jQuery UI style tabs.
theme_qt_ui_tabs_tabset ./quicktabs.module Theme function to output tablinks for jQuery UI style tabs.
theme_quicktabs_tab_access_denied ./quicktabs.module Theme function to display the access denied tab.

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