Onglets principaux

Titre Deprecated Nom du fichier Résumé Direct uses Strings
fitvids_enable ./fitvids.install Enable the module
fitvids_form ./fitvids.module Configuraton form, called by drupal_get_form() in current_posts_menu(). 1
fitvids_help ./fitvids.module Implements hook_help().
fitvids_library ./fitvids.module Implements hook_library().
fitvids_menu ./fitvids.module Implements hook_menu().
fitvids_page_build ./fitvids.module Implements hook_page_build().
fitvids_permission ./fitvids.module Implements hook_permission().
fitvids_requirements ./fitvids.install If the plugin doesn't exist, show a warning on the status page
fitvids_uninstall ./fitvids.install Uninstall the module

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