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  1. 8.x-2.x entity_redirect.module 1 commentaire

Manages post edit/create redirection for entities.



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 * @file
 * Manages post edit/create redirection for entities.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\PathElement;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\TrustedRedirectResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function entity_redirect_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
    $entity_type_forms = [
    $entity_forms = [
    if (in_array($form_id, $entity_type_forms)) {
        $entity = $form_state->getFormObject()
        $settings = $entity->getThirdPartySettings('entity_redirect');
        $form['workflow']['entiry_redirect'] = [
            '#type' => 'fieldset',
            '#title' => t('Redirect on Save'),
            'destination' => [
                '#type' => 'select',
                '#title' => t('Redirect Destination'),
                '#options' => [
                    'default' => t('- Default -'),
                    'add_form' => t('Add Form'),
                    'url' => t('Local Url'),
                    'created' => t('Created %entity_label', [
                        '%entity_label' => $entity->label(),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings['destination']) ? $settings['destination'] : 'default',
            'url' => [
                '#type' => 'path',
                '#title' => t('Local Destination Url'),
                '#description' => t('Path to redirect the user to after submission of forms for this entity. For example, type "/about" to redirect to that page. Use a relative path with a slash in front.'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings['url']) ? $settings['url'] : '',
                '#convert_path' => PathElement::CONVERT_NONE,
                '#states' => [
                    'visible' => [
                        '#edit-destination' => [
                            'value' => 'url',
            'external' => [
                '#type' => 'url',
                '#title' => t('External Destination Url'),
                '#description' => t('Enter a fully qualified url such as'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings['external']) ? $settings['external'] : '',
                '#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('set external entity redirects'),
                '#states' => [
                    'visible' => [
                        '#edit-destination' => [
                            'value' => 'external',
            'personalizable' => [
                '#type' => 'checkbox',
                '#title' => t('Allow Per User Settings'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings['personalizable']) ? $settings['personalizable'] : TRUE,
                '#description' => t('Allow individual users to control their own redirect destination. If enabled and the user has permision they can change it on their profile edit pages.'),
            'redirect_edit' => [
                '#type' => 'checkbox',
                '#title' => t('Redirect after editing'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings['redirect_edit']) ? $settings['redirect_edit'] : FALSE,
                '#description' => t('By default only redirects on creation of new entities, check to also apply when editing.'),
        if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('set external entity redirects')) {
            $form['workflow']['entiry_redirect']['destination']['#options']['external'] = t('External URL');
        $form['#entity_builders'][] = 'entity_redirect_bundle_builder';
    $info = $form_state->getBuildInfo();
    if (isset($info['base_form_id']) && in_array($info['base_form_id'], $entity_forms)) {
        $info = $form_state->getBuildInfo();
        if ($info['base_form_id'] === 'node_form') {
            $type = 'node_type';
        elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'media_form') {
            // If media_entity is enabled, the entity type we are looking for is
            // 'media_bundle', if not, it means we are using the core media module
            // so the entity type is 'media_type'.
            $type = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('media_entity') ? 'media_bundle' : 'media_type';
        elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'taxonomy_term_form') {
            $type = 'taxonomy_vocabulary';
        elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'commerce_product_form') {
            $type = 'commerce_product_type';
        $entity = $form_state->getFormObject()
        $bundle = $entity->bundle();
        $entity_type = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($type)
        if (!$entity->isNew() && !$entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'redirect_edit')) {
        $form['actions']['publish']['#submit'][] = 'entity_redirect_submit';
        $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'entity_redirect_submit';

 * Entity form builder for bundle forms to save values to 3rd party settings.
function entity_redirect_bundle_builder($entity_type, ConfigEntityInterface $type, &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $type->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'destination', $form_state->getValue('destination'));
    $type->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'url', $form_state->getValue('url'));
    $type->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'personalizable', $form_state->getValue('personalizable'));
    $type->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'redirect_edit', $form_state->getValue('redirect_edit'));
    if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('set external entity redirects')) {
        $type->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'external', $form_state->getValue('external'));

 * Submit function to handle the redirection per entity create/edit action.
function entity_redirect_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $info = $form_state->getBuildInfo();
    if ($info['base_form_id'] === 'node_form') {
        $type = 'node_type';
        $route = 'node';
    elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'media_form') {
        // If media_entity is enabled, the entity type we are looking for is
        // 'media_bundle', if not, it means we are using the core media module
        // so the entity type is 'media_type'.
        $type = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('media_entity') ? 'media_bundle' : 'media_type';
        $route = 'media';
    elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'taxonomy_term_form') {
        $type = 'taxonomy_vocabulary';
        $route = 'taxonomy_term';
    elseif ($info['base_form_id'] === 'commerce_product_form') {
        $type = 'commerce_product_type';
        $route = 'commerce_product';
    $entity = $form_state->getFormObject()
    $bundle = $entity->bundle();
    $entity_type = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($type)
    if ($entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'personalizable')) {
        if ($user_id = \Drupal::currentUser()->id() && \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('use personalized redirect options')) {
            $personalization = $entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'personalization');
            if (isset($personalization[$user_id])) {
                if ($personalization[$user_id]['destination'] !== 'default') {
                    $destination = $personalization[$user_id]['destination'];
                    if (isset($personalization[$user_id]['url'])) {
                        $url = $personalization[$user_id]['url'];
                    if (isset($personalization[$user_id]['external'])) {
                        $external = $personalization[$user_id]['external'];
    if (isset($destination) || ($destination = $entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'destination'))) {
        if ($destination === 'add_form') {
            $route_provider = \Drupal::service('router.route_provider');
            $routes = array_keys($route_provider->getRoutesByNames([
            $form_state->setRedirect($routes[0], [
                $type => $bundle,
        elseif ($destination === 'created') {
            $form_state->setRedirect("entity.{$route}.canonical", [
                $route => $entity->id(),
        elseif ($destination === 'url') {
            if (isset($url) || ($url = $entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'url'))) {
                $form_state->setRedirectUrl(Url::fromUri('internal:' . $url));
        elseif ($destination === 'external') {
            if (isset($external) || ($external = $entity_type->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'external'))) {
                $response = new TrustedRedirectResponse($external);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * Add the personalizable settings to an individual user's account page.
 * @see \Drupal\user\ProfileForm::form()
function entity_redirect_form_user_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    // Ensure user has necessary permission.
    if (!\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('administer personalized redirect options')) {
    $user_id = $form_state->getFormObject()
    if (!isset($form['entity_options'])) {
        $form['entity_options'] = [
            '#type' => 'details',
            '#title' => t('Entity Personalization'),
            '#tree' => TRUE,
            '#open' => FALSE,
            '#weight' => 10,
    // If media_entity is enabled, the entity type we are looking for is
    // 'media_bundle', if not, it means we are using the core media module
    // so the entity type is 'media_type'.
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('media_entity') == TRUE) {
        $types = [
            'node_type' => [
                'title' => t('Content'),
                'access' => 'node',
            'media_bundle' => [
                'title' => t('Media'),
                'access' => 'media',
            'taxonomy_vocabulary' => [
                'title' => t('Vocabulary'),
                'access' => 'taxonomy_term',
            'commerce_product_type' => [
                'title' => t('Commerce Product'),
                'access' => 'commerce_product',
    else {
        $types = [
            'node_type' => [
                'title' => t('Content'),
                'access' => 'node',
            'media_type' => [
                'title' => t('Media'),
                'access' => 'media',
            'taxonomy_vocabulary' => [
                'title' => t('Vocabulary'),
                'access' => 'taxonomy_term',
            'commerce_product_type' => [
                'title' => t('Commerce Product'),
                'access' => 'commerce_product',
    foreach ($types as $type => $type_data) {
        // Ensure that the entity type exists for this install.
        if (!\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->hasDefinition($type)) {
        if (!isset($form['entity_options'][$type])) {
            $form['entity_options'][$type] = [
                '#title' => $type_data['title'],
                '#type' => 'details',
                '#open' => TRUE,
        foreach (\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($type)
            ->loadMultiple() as $bundle) {
            // Filter by entity access permission.
            if (!\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getAccessControlHandler($type_data['access'])
                ->createAccess($bundle->id())) {
            // Filter by entity settings.
            if (!$bundle->getThirdPartySetting('entiry_redirect', 'personalizable', TRUE)) {
            $label = $bundle->label();
            $id = $bundle->id();
            $defaults = $bundle->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', "personalization");
            if (!isset($defaults[$user_id])) {
                $defaults[$user_id] = [
                    'destination' => 'default',
            if (!isset($form['entity_options'][$type][$id])) {
                $form['entity_options'][$type][$id] = [
                    '#title' => $label,
                    '#type' => 'details',
                    '#tree' => TRUE,
                    '#open' => TRUE,
            $form['entity_options'][$type][$id]['destination'] = [
                '#type' => 'select',
                '#title' => t('Redirect destination'),
                '#options' => [
                    'default' => t('- Default -'),
                    'add_form' => t('Add Form'),
                    'created' => t('Created %entity_label', [
                        '%entity_label' => $label,
                    'url' => t('Local Url'),
                    'external' => t('External Url'),
                '#default_value' => $defaults[$user_id]['destination'],
            $form['entity_options'][$type][$id]['url'] = [
                '#type' => 'path',
                '#title' => t('Local Destination Url'),
                '#description' => t('Path to redirect the user to after submission of forms for this entity. For example, type "/about" to redirect to that page. Use a relative path with a slash in front.'),
                '#default_value' => isset($defaults[$user_id]['url']) ? $defaults[$user_id]['url'] : '',
                '#convert_path' => PathElement::CONVERT_NONE,
                '#states' => [
                    'visible' => [
                        "select[name='entity_options[{$type}][{$id}][destination]']" => [
                            'value' => 'url',
            $form['entity_options'][$type][$id]['external'] = [
                '#type' => 'url',
                '#title' => t('External Destination Url'),
                '#description' => t('Enter a fully qualified url such as'),
                '#default_value' => isset($defaults[$user_id]['external']) ? $defaults[$user_id]['external'] : '',
                '#access' => \Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('set external entity redirects'),
                '#states' => [
                    'visible' => [
                        "select[name='entity_options[{$type}][{$id}][destination]']" => [
                            'value' => 'external',
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'entity_redirect_user_profile_form_submit';

 * Submit callback for the user profile form to save the settings.
function entity_redirect_user_profile_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $user_id = $form_state->getFormObject()
    foreach ($form_state->getValue('entity_options') as $type => $bundles) {
        foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $data) {
            $bundle = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($type)
            $settings = $bundle->getThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', 'personalization', []);
            $settings[$user_id] = [
                'destination' => $data['destination'],
                'url' => $data['url'],
                'external' => $data['external'],
            $bundle->setThirdPartySetting('entity_redirect', "personalization", $settings);


Titre Deprecated Résumé
entity_redirect_bundle_builder Entity form builder for bundle forms to save values to 3rd party settings.
entity_redirect_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
entity_redirect_form_user_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
entity_redirect_submit Submit function to handle the redirection per entity create/edit action.
entity_redirect_user_profile_form_submit Submit callback for the user profile form to save the settings.