Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 2.x easy_breadcrumb.module
  2. 7.x-1.x easy_breadcrumb.module
  3. 8.x-1.x easy_breadcrumb.module

The Easy Breadcrumb module provides a block to be embedded in any page.

Typically at some place near the page's header. Easy Breadcrumb uses the URL (path alias) and the current page's title (when available) to obtain the breadcrumb's segments and its respective links. The resulting block will be something like: "Home » Contact Us" or "Home / Contact us". Such presentation could vary depending on the configuration of the module.



View source

 * @file
 * The Easy Breadcrumb module provides a block to be embedded in any page.
 * Typically at some place near the page's header.
 * Easy Breadcrumb uses the URL (path alias) and the current page's title
 * (when available) to obtain the breadcrumb's segments and its respective
 * links. The resulting block will be something like:
 * "Home » Contact Us" or "Home / Contact us".
 * Such presentation could vary depending on the configuration of the module.

 * Implements hook_permission().
function easy_breadcrumb_permission() {
    return array(
        'administer easy_breadcrumb' => array(
            'title' => t("Administer Easy Breadcrumb"),
            'description' => t('Perform administration tasks for the module Easy Breadcrumb.'),

 * Implements hook_init().
function easy_breadcrumb_init() {
    global $theme;
    $site_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');
    $admin_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', 'seven');
    // Disable Admin theme breadcrumb, but only if different to site theme.
    if ($theme === $admin_theme && $site_theme !== $admin_theme) {
        $disable_admin_breadcrumb = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_DISABLE_ADMIN_BREADCRUMB, FALSE);
        if ($disable_admin_breadcrumb) {
            // Set the Drupal's default breadcrumb as an empty array to disable it.
    else {
        $disable_drupal_default_breadcrumb = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_DISABLE_DEFAULT_DRUPAL_BREADCRUMB, TRUE);
        if ($disable_drupal_default_breadcrumb) {
            // Set the Drupal's default breadcrumb as an empty array to disable it.

 * Implements hook_help().
function easy_breadcrumb_help($path, $arg) {
    switch ($path) {
        case 'admin/help#easy_breadcrumb':
            $readme = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
            $output = '';
            if (module_exists('markdown')) {
                $filters = module_invoke('markdown', 'filter_info');
                $info = $filters['filter_markdown'];
                if (function_exists($info['process callback'])) {
                    $output = $info['process callback']($readme, NULL);
            if ($output === '') {
                $output = '<pre>' . $readme . '</pre>';
            return $output;

 * Implements hook_menu().
function easy_breadcrumb_menu() {
    $items = array();
    $items['admin/config/user-interface/easy-breadcrumb'] = array(
        'title' => 'Easy Breadcrumb',
        'description' => "Controls settings for the module Easy Breadcrumb",
        'file' => 'includes/',
        'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access arguments' => array(
            'administer easy_breadcrumb',
    return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function easy_breadcrumb_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
    return array(
        'easy_breadcrumb' => array(
            'variables' => array(
                'breadcrumb' => NULL,
                'segments_quantity' => NULL,
                'separator' => NULL,
                'separator_ending' => NULL,
            'template' => 'easy-breadcrumb',
            'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'easy_breadcrumb') . '/tpl',

 * Implements hook_block_info().
function easy_breadcrumb_block_info() {
    $block = array();
    $block['easy_breadcrumb'] = array(
        'info' => t('Easy Breadcrumb'),
        'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_PAGE,
    return $block;

 * Implements hook_block_view().
function easy_breadcrumb_block_view($delta = NULL) {
    $block = array();
    switch ($delta) {
        case 'easy_breadcrumb':
            $block['subject'] = NULL;
            $block['content'] = theme('easy_breadcrumb');
    return $block;

 * Process variables for easy-breadcrumb.tpl.php.
 * @see easy-breadcrumb.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_easy_breadcrumb(&$variables) {
    $breadcrumbs = _easy_breadcrumb_build_items();
    if (module_exists('schemaorg')) {
        $variables['list_type'] = '';
    else {
        $variables['list_type'] = '';
    foreach ($breadcrumbs as $i => $breadcrumb) {
        if (isset($breadcrumb['url'])) {
            $variables['breadcrumb'][$i] = '<span itemprop="title">';
            $parsed_query = array();
            $parsed_url = parse_url($breadcrumb['url']);
            if (isset($parsed_url['query'])) {
                parse_str($parsed_url['query'], $parsed_query);
            $variables['breadcrumb'][$i] .= l($breadcrumb['content'], $parsed_url['path'], array(
                'attributes' => array(
                    'class' => $breadcrumb['class'],
                'query' => $parsed_query,
                'html' => !empty($breadcrumb['html']) ? $breadcrumb['html'] : FALSE,
            $variables['breadcrumb'][$i] .= '</span>';
        else {
            $class = implode(' ', $breadcrumb['class']);
            $variables['breadcrumb'][$i] = '<span class="' . $class . '" itemprop="title">' . $breadcrumb['content'] . '</span>';
    $variables['segments_quantity'] = isset($variables['breadcrumb']) ? count($variables['breadcrumb']) : 0;
    $variables['separator_ending'] = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_SEPERATOR_ENDING, FALSE) ? 0 : 1;
    $variables['separator'] = filter_xss(variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_SEGMENTS_SEPARATOR, '»'));

 * Helper function to generate breadcrumb items.
 * @return array
 *   Items of the breadcrumb.
function _easy_breadcrumb_build_items() {
    // Array storing the breadcrumb's segments.
    $breadcrumb = array();
    // Default classes for the segments.
    $segments_classes = array(
    // Gets the flag saying if the front page segment should be included.
    $include_front_page_segment = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_INCLUDE_HOME_SEGMENT, TRUE);
    // Conditionally include the front page segment in the breadcrumb.
    if ($include_front_page_segment) {
        $front_text = _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_home_title();
        // Marks the front--segment with an identifier class (useful for CSS).
        $segments_classes[1] = 'easy-breadcrumb_segment-front';
        // Adds a segment for the front page.
        $breadcrumb[] = _easy_breadcrumb_build_item($front_text, $segments_classes, '<front>');
    // There won't be more segments if visiting the front page,
    // the don't waste resources.
    if (!drupal_is_front_page()) {
        // Gets the flag saying the capitalizator mode.
        $capitalizator_mode = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_MODE, 'ucwords');
        // List of words to be ignored by the capitalizator.
        $capitalizator_ignored_words = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_IGNORED_WORDS, EasyBreadcrumbConstants::defaultIgnoredWords());
        // Flag for including invalid paths as plain-text segments.
        $include_invalid_paths = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_INCLUDE_INVALID_PATHS, TRUE);
        // List of path to be excluded while generating segments.
        $excluded_paths_arr = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_EXCLUDED_PATHS, EasyBreadcrumbConstants::defaultExcludedPaths());
        // Obtains the alias of the current path.
        $alias = drupal_get_path_alias();
        // We need to pass our path through hook_url_outbound_alter(). This fixes
        // clean URLs not working when they don't exist in the {url_alias} table and
        // are created with something like subpathauto.
        $normalized_path = current_path();
        // hook_url_outbound_alter() expects defaults in url() options.
        $options = array(
            'fragment' => '',
            'query' => array(),
            'absolute' => FALSE,
            'alias' => FALSE,
            'prefix' => '',
            'external' => FALSE,
        drupal_alter('url_outbound', $alias, $options, $normalized_path);
        // Allow the alias to be altered.
        drupal_alter('easy_breadcrumb_path', $alias);
        // Get the segments of the current path.
        $alias_arr = explode('/', $alias);
        // Get the quantity of segments in the current path.
        $segments_quantity = count($alias_arr);
        $segment_url_arr = array();
        // Iterates over the segments of the current URL
        // ("blog/article/hello-world") excepting the last segment
        // (the title, 'hello-world' in that case).
        $last_segment_title = '';
        for ($idx_0 = 0, $idx_1 = 1; $idx_1 < $segments_quantity; ++$idx_0, ++$idx_1) {
            // Build an array containing the URL of the segment being currently
            // processed. E.g., having $alias as "blog/article/hello-world", at the
            // first iteration this array will be array('blog'), the second
            // (and last in that case) the array will be array('blog','article').
            $segment_url_arr[] = $alias_arr[$idx_0];
            // String with the potential-path of the segment being processed
            // (e.g. 'blog/article').
            $segment_url = implode('/', $segment_url_arr);
            // Jump to the next segment if this url is configured to be excluded.
            $excluded_path = _easy_breadcrumb_check_excluded_path($segment_url);
            if ($excluded_path) {
            $segments_classes[1] = 'easy-breadcrumb_segment-' . $idx_1;
            // Obtain the internal path it represents.
            $segment_normal_path = drupal_get_normal_path($segment_url);
            // Check if this is a valid path.
            $segment_valid_path = _easy_breadcrumb_validate_segment_path($segment_normal_path);
            if (!$segment_valid_path && module_exists('redirect')) {
                global $language;
                $redirect = redirect_load_by_source($segment_url, $language->language);
                if ($redirect) {
                    $segment_normal_path = $redirect->redirect;
                    $segment_valid_path = _easy_breadcrumb_validate_segment_path($segment_normal_path);
                    $segment_url = drupal_get_path_alias($segment_normal_path);
            // Get the segment's raw text from the URL.
            $segment_text = $alias_arr[$idx_0];
            // Normalized segment's text (e.g. 'Blog');.
            $segment_title = _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_segment_title($segment_normal_path, $segment_valid_path, $segment_text);
            // Don't duplicate breadcrumbs for menu default local tasks.
            if ($segment_title == $last_segment_title) {
                $item = menu_get_item($segment_url);
                if ($item['type'] != MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB) {
            if ($segment_valid_path || $include_invalid_paths) {
                $breadcrumb[] = _easy_breadcrumb_build_item($segment_title, $segments_classes, $segment_url, $segment_valid_path);
            $last_segment_title = $segment_title;
        // Gets the flag saying if the title should be appended to the breadcrumb.
        $include_page_title_segment = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_INCLUDE_TITLE_SEGMENT, TRUE);
        // Adds the page's title to the breadcrumb.
        if ($include_page_title_segment) {
            // Marks the page's-title-segment with an identifier class
            // (useful for CSS).
            $segments_classes[1] = 'easy-breadcrumb_segment-title';
            // The title is the last segment in the URL.
            $segment_text = $alias_arr[$segments_quantity - 1];
            $segment_title = _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_page_title($segment_text);
            $title_segment_as_link = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_TITLE_SEGMENT_AS_LINK, FALSE);
            // If the page's title will be a link or just a text.
            $breadcrumb[] = _easy_breadcrumb_build_item($segment_title, $segments_classes, $alias, $title_segment_as_link);
    // Allow the entire breadcrumb to be altered.
    drupal_alter('easy_breadcrumb_breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);
    return $breadcrumb;

 * Obtain the title of the front page.
 * @return string
 *   The front-page's title.
function _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_home_title() {
    $front_text = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_HOME_SEGMENT_TITLE);
    if (!isset($front_text) || $front_text === '') {
        $front_text = t('Home');
    return $front_text;

 * Obtain the title of the page.
 * @param string $page_text
 *   Raw text to be use as fallback to infer the page's title.
 * @return string
 *   the page's title.
function _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_page_title($page_text) {
    $use_page_title_when_available = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_TITLE_FROM_PAGE_WHEN_AVAILABLE, TRUE);
    // Tries to get the title of the current page (if available).
    if ($use_page_title_when_available) {
        $title = drupal_get_title();
    // Just deduce the title from the given fallback.
    if (!isset($title) || $title === '') {
        $title = _easy_breadcrumb_normalize_text($page_text);
    return $title;

 * Build a breadcrumb item.
 * @param string $item_title
 *   Title of the item.
 * @param array $item_classes
 *   Classes.
 * @param string $item_url
 *   Url of the item.
 * @param bool $as_link
 *   Denotes if the item is an url or plain text.
 * @return array
 *   the generated breadcrumb item.
function _easy_breadcrumb_build_item($item_title, array $item_classes, $item_url, $as_link = TRUE) {
    if (variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_HTML_TAGS, TRUE)) {
        $item_title = filter_xss($item_title);
    if (variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_TRUNCATOR_MODE, FALSE)) {
        $item_title = truncate_utf8($item_title, variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_TRUNCATOR_LENGTH, 100), TRUE, variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_TRUNCATOR_DOTS, TRUE));
    $item = array(
        'class' => $item_classes,
        'html' => TRUE,
    if (!variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_HTML_TAGS, TRUE)) {
        $item_title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item_title));
        $item['html'] = TRUE;
    $item['content'] = $item_title;
    if ($as_link) {
        $item['url'] = $item_url;
    return $item;

 * Check if the given segment is a valid path.
 * @param string $segment_path
 *   Path of the segment.
 * @return bool
 *   True if the segment is a valid path, false otherwise.
function _easy_breadcrumb_validate_segment_path($segment_path) {
    $is_valid_path = drupal_valid_path($segment_path);
    return $is_valid_path;

 * Check if the title should be replaced.
 * @param string $segment_title
 *   Segment's title by reference.
 * @return mix
 *   String with segment title if necessary or FALSE otherwise.
function _easy_breadcrumb_check_replaced_title(&$segment_title) {
    $replaced_titles = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_REPLACED_TITLES);
    if (empty($replaced_titles)) {
        return FALSE;
    $map_values = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]/', $replaced_titles);
    foreach ($map_values as $map_value) {
        $values = explode("::", $map_value);
        if (count($values) == 2) {
            $replaced_titles_values[$values[0]] = $values[1];
    _easy_breadcrumb_apply_title_replacement($segment_title, $replaced_titles_values);

 * Verifies if the given path should be exclude from the breadcrumb.
 * @param string $url
 *   URL to be verified.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if should be excluded, FALSE otherwise.
function _easy_breadcrumb_check_excluded_path($url) {
    // List of path to be excluded while generating segments.
    $excluded_paths_arr = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_EXCLUDED_PATHS, EasyBreadcrumbConstants::defaultExcludedPaths());
    $excluded = FALSE;
    foreach ($excluded_paths_arr as $excluded_path) {
        $exlusion_pattern = '@^' . $excluded_path . '$@';
        $excluded = preg_match($exlusion_pattern, $url);
        if ($excluded) {
    drupal_alter('easy_breadcrumb_exclude_path', $excluded, $url);
    return $excluded;

 * Obtain the title of the given segment.
 * @param string $normal_path
 *   Segment's normal path.
 * @param string $valid_path
 *   Flag if the URL of the segment if valid.
 * @param string $segment_text
 *   Raw text to be used as fallback to infer the segment's title.
 * @return string
 *   segment title.
function _easy_breadcrumb_obtain_segment_title($normal_path, $valid_path, $segment_text) {
    // If path is valid then try to obtain the title from the menu router
    // (if available).
    if ($valid_path) {
        $router_item = menu_get_item($normal_path);
        // If not using segment text as title then use the menu router title.
        if ($router_item && !variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_SEGMENT_TEXT_AS_TITLE, FALSE)) {
            $title = $router_item['title'];
    // Just infer the title from the segment text.
    if (!isset($title) || $title === '') {
        $title = _easy_breadcrumb_normalize_text($segment_text);
    return $title;

 * Normalizes a text.
 * E.g., transforms "about-us" to "About Us" or "About us",
 * according to parameters.
 * @param string $raw_text
 *   Text to be normalized.
 * @return string
 *   normalized title.
function _easy_breadcrumb_normalize_text($raw_text) {
    // Filter the raw text against XSS.
    $normalized_text = check_url($raw_text);
    // Transforms '-hello--world_javascript-' on 'hello world javascript'.
    $normalized_text = str_replace(array(
    ), ' ', $normalized_text);
    $normalized_text = trim($normalized_text);
    $normalized_text = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/', ' ', $normalized_text);
    // Gets the flag saying the capitalizator mode.
    $capitalizator_mode = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_MODE, 'ucwords');
    if ($capitalizator_mode === 'ucwords') {
        // Transforms the text 'once a time' to 'Once a Time'.
        // List of words to be ignored by the capitalizator.
        $ignored_words = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_IGNORED_WORDS, EasyBreadcrumbConstants::defaultIgnoredWords());
        $words_arr = explode(' ', $normalized_text);
        // Transforms the non-ignored words of the segment.
        $words_arr[0] = drupal_ucfirst($words_arr[0]);
        for ($idx_1 = 1, $words_quantity = count($words_arr); $idx_1 < $words_quantity; ++$idx_1) {
            // Transforms this word only if it is not in the list of ignored words.
            if (!isset($ignored_words[$words_arr[$idx_1]])) {
                $words_arr[$idx_1] = drupal_ucfirst($words_arr[$idx_1]);
        $normalized_text = implode(' ', $words_arr);
    elseif ($capitalizator_mode === 'ucall') {
        // Transforms the text 'once a time' to 'ONCE A TIME'.
        $normalized_text = drupal_strtoupper($normalized_text);
    elseif ($capitalizator_mode === 'ucforce') {
        // Transforms the text 'once a time' to 'once a TIME'.
        // List of words to be forced by the capitalizator.
        $forced_words = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS, '');
        // If case sensitivity is false make all the forced words
        // uncapitalized by default.
        if (!variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS_CASE_SENSITIVITY, FALSE)) {
            $forced_words = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $forced_words);
        $words_arr = explode(' ', $normalized_text);
        // Transforms the non-ignored words of the segment.
        if (variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS_FIRST_LETTER, '')) {
            $words_arr[0] = drupal_ucfirst($words_arr[0]);
        for ($idx_1 = 0, $words_quantity = count($words_arr); $idx_1 < $words_quantity; ++$idx_1) {
            // If case sensitivity is false make the compared word uncapitalized
            // in order to allow the comparison well.
            if (!variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS_CASE_SENSITIVITY, FALSE)) {
                $selected_word = drupal_strtolower($words_arr[$idx_1]);
            else {
                $selected_word = $words_arr[$idx_1];
            // Transforms this word only if it is in the list of forced words.
            if (in_array($selected_word, $forced_words)) {
                $words_arr[$idx_1] = drupal_strtoupper($selected_word);
        $normalized_text = implode(' ', $words_arr);
    else {
        // Transforms the text 'once a time' to 'Once a time' (ucfirst).
        $normalized_text = drupal_ucfirst($normalized_text);
    return $normalized_text;

 * Apply title replacements.
 * @param string $title
 *   Page title.
 * @param array $replacements
 *   Replacement rules map.
function _easy_breadcrumb_apply_title_replacement(&$title, array $replacements) {
    if (!is_string($title)) {
    if (array_key_exists($title, $replacements)) {
        $title = $replacements[$title];


Titre Deprecated Résumé
easy_breadcrumb_block_info Implements hook_block_info().
easy_breadcrumb_block_view Implements hook_block_view().
easy_breadcrumb_help Implements hook_help().
easy_breadcrumb_init Implements hook_init().
easy_breadcrumb_menu Implements hook_menu().
easy_breadcrumb_permission Implements hook_permission().
easy_breadcrumb_theme Implements hook_theme().
template_preprocess_easy_breadcrumb Process variables for easy-breadcrumb.tpl.php.
_easy_breadcrumb_apply_title_replacement Apply title replacements.
_easy_breadcrumb_build_item Build a breadcrumb item.
_easy_breadcrumb_build_items Helper function to generate breadcrumb items.
_easy_breadcrumb_check_excluded_path Verifies if the given path should be exclude from the breadcrumb.
_easy_breadcrumb_check_replaced_title Check if the title should be replaced.
_easy_breadcrumb_normalize_text Normalizes a text.
_easy_breadcrumb_obtain_home_title Obtain the title of the front page.
_easy_breadcrumb_obtain_page_title Obtain the title of the page.
_easy_breadcrumb_obtain_segment_title Obtain the title of the given segment.
_easy_breadcrumb_validate_segment_path Check if the given segment is a valid path.