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  1. 8.x-1.x src/ColorboxAttachment.php 1 commentaire





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namespace Drupal\colorbox;

use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;

 * An implementation of PageAttachmentInterface for the colorbox library.
class ColorboxAttachment implements ElementAttachmentInterface {
    use StringTranslationTrait;
     * The service to determine if colorbox should be activated.
     * @var \Drupal\colorbox\ActivationCheckInterface
    protected $activation;
     * The module handler.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
    protected $moduleHandler;
     * The colorbox settings.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig
    protected $settings;
     * Create an instance of ColorboxAttachment.
    public function __construct(ActivationCheckInterface $activation, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, ConfigFactoryInterface $config) {
        $this->activation = $activation;
        $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
        $this->settings = $config->get('colorbox.settings');
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function isApplicable() {
        return !InstallerKernel::installationAttempted() && $this->activation
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function attach(array &$page) {
        if ($this->settings
            ->get('custom.activate')) {
            $js_settings = [
                'transition' => $this->settings
                'speed' => $this->settings
                'opacity' => $this->settings
                'slideshow' => $this->settings
                    ->get('custom.slideshow.slideshow') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'slideshowAuto' => $this->settings
                    ->get('') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'slideshowSpeed' => $this->settings
                'slideshowStart' => $this->settings
                'slideshowStop' => $this->settings
                'current' => $this->settings
                'previous' => $this->settings
                'next' => $this->settings
                'close' => $this->settings
                'overlayClose' => $this->settings
                    ->get('custom.overlayclose') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'returnFocus' => $this->settings
                    ->get('custom.returnfocus') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'maxWidth' => $this->settings
                'maxHeight' => $this->settings
                'initialWidth' => $this->settings
                'initialHeight' => $this->settings
                'fixed' => $this->settings
                    ->get('custom.fixed') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'scrolling' => $this->settings
                    ->get('custom.scrolling') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'mobiledetect' => $this->settings
                    ->get('advanced.mobile_detect') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'mobiledevicewidth' => $this->settings
        else {
            $js_settings = [
                'opacity' => '0.85',
                'current' => $this->t('{current} of {total}'),
                'previous' => $this->t('« Prev'),
                'next' => $this->t('Next »'),
                'close' => $this->t('Close'),
                'maxWidth' => '98%',
                'maxHeight' => '98%',
                'fixed' => TRUE,
                'mobiledetect' => $this->settings
                    ->get('advanced.mobile_detect') ? TRUE : FALSE,
                'mobiledevicewidth' => $this->settings
        $style = $this->settings
        // Give other modules the possibility to override Colorbox
        // settings and style.
            ->alter('colorbox_settings', $js_settings, $style);
        // Add colorbox js settings.
        $page['#attached']['drupalSettings']['colorbox'] = $js_settings;
        // Add and initialise the Colorbox plugin.
        if ($this->settings
            ->get('advanced.compression_type') == 'minified') {
            $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'colorbox/colorbox';
        else {
            $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'colorbox/colorbox-dev';
        // Add JS and CSS based on selected style.
        if ($style != 'none') {
            $page['#attached']['library'][] = "colorbox/{$style}";
        else {
            $page['#attached']['library'][] = "colorbox/init";



Titre Deprecated Résumé
ColorboxAttachment An implementation of PageAttachmentInterface for the colorbox library.