Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.0.x advagg_js_minify/src/Asset/JsMinifier.php \Drupal\advagg_js_minify\Asset\JsMinifier::minifyJsmin() 1 commentaire
  2. 8.x-3.x advagg_js_minify/src/Asset/JsMinifier.php \Drupal\advagg_js_minify\Asset\JsMinifier::minifyJsmin() 1 commentaire
  3. 8.x-4.x advagg_js_minify/src/Asset/JsMinifier.php \Drupal\advagg_js_minify\Asset\JsMinifier::minifyJsmin() 1 commentaire

Minify a JS string using jsmin.


string $contents: JavaScript string.

string $path: The original file path.


advagg_js_minify/src/Asset/JsMinifier.php, line 125


Optimizes a JavaScript asset.




public function minifyJsmin(&$contents, $path) {
    // Do not use jsmin() if the function can not be called.
    if (!function_exists('jsmin')) {
            ->notice($this->t('The jsmin function does not exist. Using JSqueeze.'), []);
        $contents = $this->minifyJsqueeze($contents, $path);
    // Jsmin doesn't handle multi-byte characters before version 2, fall back to
    // different minifier if jsmin version < 2 and $contents contains multi-
    // byte characters.
    if (version_compare(phpversion('jsmin'), '2.0.0', '<') && $this->stringContainsMultibyteCharacters($contents)) {
            ->notice('The currently installed jsmin version does not handle multibyte characters, you may consider to upgrade the jsmin extension. Using JSqueeze fallback.', []);
        $contents = $this->minifyJsqueeze($contents, $path);
    // Jsmin may have errors (incorrectly determining EOLs) with mixed tabs
    // and spaces. An example: jQuery.Cycle 3.0.3 -
    $contents = str_replace("\t", " ", $contents);
    $minified = jsmin($contents);
    // Check for JSMin errors.
    $error = jsmin_last_error_msg();
    if ($error != 'No error') {
            ->warning('JSMin had an error processing, using JSqueeze fallback. Error details: ' . $error, []);
        $contents = $this->minifyJsqueeze($contents, $path);
    // Under some unknown/rare circumstances, JSMin can add up to 5
    // extraneous/wrong chars at the end of the string. Check and remove if
    // necessary. The chars unfortunately vary in number and specific chars.
    // Hence this is a poor quality check but often works.
    if (ctype_cntrl(substr(trim($minified), -1)) || strpbrk(substr(trim($minified), -1), ';})') === FALSE) {
            ->notice($this->t('JSMin had a possible error minifying: @file, correcting.', [
            '@file' => $path,
        if (strrpos(substr($minified, -10), ';')) {
            $contents = substr($minified, 0, strrpos($minified, ';'));
    else {
        $contents = $minified;
    $semicolons = substr_count($contents, ';', strlen($contents) - 5);
    if ($semicolons > 2) {
        $start = substr($contents, 0, -5);
        $contents = $start . preg_replace("/([;)}]*)([\\w]*)([;)}]*)/", "\$1\$3", substr($contents, -5));
            ->notice($this->t('JSMin had an error minifying file: @file, attempting to correct.', [
            '@file' => $path,