Same name in other branches
- 8.x-2.x advagg_css_minify/yui/ \CSSmin::run()
- 8.x-3.x advagg_css_minify/yui/ \CSSmin::run()
Minifies a string of CSS
string $css:
int|bool $linebreakPos:
Return value
yui/, line 81
public function run($css = '', $linebreakPos = false) {
if (empty($css)) {
return '';
if ($this->raisePhpLimits) {
$this->comments = array();
$this->atRuleBlocks = array();
$this->preservedTokens = array();
// process data urls
$css = $this->processDataUrls($css);
// process comments
$css = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)\\/\\*(.*?)\\*(?<!\\\\)\\//Ss', array(
), $css);
// process strings so their content doesn't get accidentally minified
$css = preg_replace_callback('/(?:"(?:[^\\\\"]|\\\\.|\\\\)*")|' . "(?:'(?:[^\\\\']|\\\\.|\\\\)*')/S", array(
), $css);
// Safe chunking: process at rule blocks so after chunking nothing gets stripped out
$css = preg_replace_callback('/@(?:document|(?:-(?:atsc|khtml|moz|ms|o|wap|webkit)-)?keyframes|media|supports).+?\\}\\s*\\}/si', array(
), $css);
// Let's divide css code in chunks of {$this->chunkLength} chars aprox.
// Reason: PHP's PCRE functions like preg_replace have a "backtrack limit"
// of 100.000 chars by default (php < 5.3.7) so if we're dealing with really
// long strings and a (sub)pattern matches a number of chars greater than
// the backtrack limit number (i.e. /(.*)/s) PCRE functions may fail silently
// returning NULL and $css would be empty.
$charset = '';
$charsetRegexp = '/(@charset)( [^;]+;)/i';
$cssChunks = array();
$l = strlen($css);
// if the number of characters is <= {$this->chunkLength}, do not chunk
if ($l <= $this->chunkLength) {
$cssChunks[] = $css;
else {
// chunk css code securely
for ($startIndex = 0, $i = $this->chunkLength; $i < $l; $i++) {
if ($css[$i - 1] === '}' && $i - $startIndex >= $this->chunkLength) {
$cssChunks[] = $this->strSlice($css, $startIndex, $i);
$startIndex = $i;
// Move forward saving iterations when possible!
if ($startIndex + $this->chunkLength < $l) {
$i += $this->chunkLength;
// Final chunk
$cssChunks[] = $this->strSlice($css, $startIndex);
// Minify each chunk
for ($i = 0, $n = count($cssChunks); $i < $n; $i++) {
$cssChunks[$i] = $this->minify($cssChunks[$i], $linebreakPos);
// Keep the first @charset at-rule found
if (empty($charset) && preg_match($charsetRegexp, $cssChunks[$i], $matches)) {
$charset = strtolower($matches[1]) . $matches[2];
// Delete all @charset at-rules
$cssChunks[$i] = preg_replace($charsetRegexp, '', $cssChunks[$i]);
// Update the first chunk and push the charset to the top of the file.
$cssChunks[0] = $charset . $cssChunks[0];
return trim(implode('', $cssChunks));