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Admin page callbacks for the advagg bundler module.



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 * @file
 * Admin page callbacks for the advagg bundler module.

 * Form builder; Configure advagg settings.
 * @ingroup advagg_forms
 * @see system_settings_form()
function advagg_bundler_admin_settings_form() {
    drupal_set_title(t('AdvAgg: Bundler'));
    $form = array();
    $options = array(
        0 => t('Use HTTP 1.1 settings'),
        2 => t('Use HTTP 2.0 settings'),
        4 => t('Use customized settings'),
    $form['advagg_bundler_admin_mode'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('AdvAgg Settings'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_bundler_admin_mode', ADVAGG_BUNDLER_ADMIN_MODE),
        '#options' => $options,
        '#description' => t("Default settings will mirror core as closely as possible. <br>Recommended settings are optimized for speed."),
    // Test http2.
    $http2_support = 0;
    $url = '' . url('', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
    if (filter_var($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === FALSE && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] !== 'localhost') {
        $response = drupal_http_request($url, array(
            'timeout' => 3,
    else {
        $response = new stdClass();
        $response->code = 0;
    if ($response->code == 200 && !empty($response->data)) {
        $http2_support = 1;
        if (stripos($response->data, 'success') !== FALSE) {
            $http2_support = 2;
    if (stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') !== FALSE && is_callable('apache_get_modules')) {
        $modules = apache_get_modules();
        $key_a = array_search('mod_http2', $modules);
        $key_b = array_search('mod_h2', $modules);
        if ($key_a !== FALSE || $key_b !== FALSE) {
            $http2_support += 4;
    // Display http2 info.
    if ($http2_support & 2) {
        $description = t('This server supports HTTP 2.0; the test from @url came back ok.', array(
            '@url' => $url,
    else {
        if ($http2_support == 0) {
            $description = t('AdvAgg can not detect if this server supports HTTP 2.0. You can <a href="@url">go here to learn how to enable it</a>.', array(
                '@url' => '',
        elseif ($http2_support & 4) {
            $description = t('It appears that this server could support HTTP 2.0 (apache <a href="@url">mod_http2</a> found)', array(
                '@url' => '',
            if ($http2_support & 1) {
                $description .= t(', but it may not be configured to do so. The test from <a href="@test">here</a> was inconclusive.', array(
                    '@test' => $url,
            else {
                if (count($response) == 1) {
                    $description .= t(', but the test from <a href="@test">here</a> was not actually done due to the URL being an IP address or localhost.', array(
                        '@test' => $url,
                else {
                    $description .= t(', but the test from <a href="@test">here</a> was inconclusive.', array(
                        '@test' => $url,
        else {
            $description = t('This server does not support HTTP 2.0.');
        $description .= ' ' . t('<a href="@url">This guide</a> can help you get http2 enabled on your site.', array(
            '@url' => '',
    if (!empty($description)) {
        $form['advagg_http2'] = array(
            '#markup' => "<p>{$description}</p>",
    $form['global_container'] = array(
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#hidden' => TRUE,
        '#states' => array(
            'visible' => array(
                ':input[name="advagg_bundler_admin_mode"]' => array(
                    'value' => '4',
    $form['global_container']['advagg_bundler_active'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Bundler is Active (recommended)'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_bundler_active', ADVAGG_BUNDLER_ACTIVE),
        '#description' => t('If not checked, the bundler will passively monitor your site, but it will not split up aggregates.'),
    $options = array(
        0 => 0,
        1 => 1,
        2 => 2,
        3 => 3,
        4 => 4,
        5 => 5,
        6 => 6,
        7 => 7,
        8 => 8,
        9 => 9,
        10 => 10,
        11 => 11,
        12 => 12,
        13 => 13,
        14 => 14,
        15 => 15,
        16 => 16,
        17 => 17,
        18 => 18,
        19 => 19,
        20 => 20,
        21 => 21,
        22 => 22,
        23 => 23,
        24 => 24,
        25 => 25,
    $form['global_container']['advagg_bundler_max_css'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Target Number Of CSS Bundles Per Page'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_bundler_max_css', ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_CSS),
        '#options' => $options,
        '#description' => t('If 0 is selected then the bundler is disabled. 2 is recommended for HTTP 1.1 and 25 for HTTP 2.0.'),
        '#states' => array(
            'disabled' => array(
                '#edit-advagg-bundler-active' => array(
                    'checked' => FALSE,
        '#recommended_value' => 25,
    $form['global_container']['advagg_bundler_max_js'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Target Number Of JS Bundles Per Page'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_bundler_max_js', ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_JS),
        '#options' => $options,
        '#description' => t('If 0 is selected then the bundler is disabled. 5 is recommended for HTTP 1.1 and 25 for HTTP 2.0.'),
        '#states' => array(
            'disabled' => array(
                '#edit-advagg-bundler-active' => array(
                    'checked' => FALSE,
        '#recommended_value' => 25,
    $form['global_container']['advagg_bundler_grouping_logic'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('Grouping logic'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_bundler_grouping_logic', ADVAGG_BUNDLER_GROUPING_LOGIC),
        '#options' => array(
            0 => t('File count'),
            1 => t('File size'),
        '#description' => t('If file count is selected then each bundle will try to have a similar number of original files aggregated inside of it. If file size is selected then each bundle will try to have a similar file size.'),
        '#states' => array(
            'disabled' => array(
                '#edit-advagg-bundler-active' => array(
                    'checked' => FALSE,
        '#recommended_value' => 0,
    $form['global_container']['info'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#title' => t('Raw Grouping Info'),
    module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg.admin');
    $analysis = advagg_bundler_analysis('', TRUE);
    $rawtext = print_r($analysis, TRUE);
    $form['global_container']['info']['advagg_bundler_info'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textarea',
        '#title' => t('%count different groupings', array(
            '%count' => count($analysis),
        '#default_value' => $rawtext,
        '#rows' => 30,
    // Clear the cache bins on submit. Also remove advagg_bundler_info so it
    // doesn't get added to the variable table.
    $form['#submit'][] = 'advagg_bundler_admin_settings_form_submit';
    return system_settings_form($form);

 * Submit callback, clear out the advagg cache bin.
 * @ingroup advagg_forms_callback
function advagg_bundler_admin_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
    // Clear caches.
    // Unset advagg_bundler_info.
    if (isset($form_state['values']['advagg_bundler_info'])) {
    // Reset this form to defaults or recommended values; also show what changed.
    advagg_set_admin_form_defaults_recommended($form_state, 'advagg_bundler_admin_mode');


Titre Deprecated Résumé
advagg_bundler_admin_settings_form Form builder; Configure advagg settings.
advagg_bundler_admin_settings_form_submit Submit callback, clear out the advagg cache bin.