AdvAggCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderFile dans tests/advagg.test
Tests rendering the stylesheets.
advagg_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter dans ./
Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_aggressive_cache_conflicts dans ./advagg.module
Check and see if the aggressive cache can safely be enabled.
advagg_css_alter dans advagg_font/advagg_font.module
Implements hook_css_alter().
advagg_detect_subfile_changes dans ./
See if any of the subfiles has changed.
advagg_ext_compress_string dans advagg_ext_compress/advagg_ext_compress.module
Compress CSS using via command line.
advagg_font_admin_settings_form dans advagg_font/
Form builder; Configure advagg settings.
advagg_font_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter dans advagg_font/
Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_font_libraries_info dans advagg_font/advagg_font.module
Implements hook_libraries_info().
advagg_get_css_aggregate_contents dans ./
Given a list of files, grab their contents and glue it into one big string.
advagg_get_info_on_files dans ./
Given a filename calculate various hashes and gather meta data.
advagg_get_js_aggregate_contents dans ./
Given a list of files, grab their contents and glue it into one big string.
advagg_htaccess_rewritebase dans ./advagg.module
See if the .htaccess file uses the RewriteBase directive.
advagg_install_check_via_http dans ./advagg.install
Make sure http requests to css/js files work correctly.
advagg_install_chk_urls dans ./advagg.install
Make sure http requests to css/js files work correctly.
advagg_install_htaccess_errordocument dans ./advagg.install
See if the .htaccess file uses the RewriteBase directive.
advagg_install_update_htaccess dans ./advagg.install
Callback to delete files if size == 0 and modified more than 60 seconds ago.
advagg_js_compress_test_file dans advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module
Test a file, making sure it is compressible.
advagg_load_stylesheet dans ./advagg.module
Loads the stylesheet and resolves all @import commands.
advagg_mod_admin_test_css_files dans advagg_mod/
Test all CSS files seeing if any string translations do anything.
advagg_mod_init dans advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module
Implements hook_init().
advagg_mod_inline_js dans advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module
Transforms all JS files into inline JS.
advagg_mod_js_contains_jquery_drupal dans advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module
See if JavaScript file contains drupal and/or jquery.
advagg_mod_libraries_info dans advagg_mod/advagg_mod.module
Implements hook_libraries_info().
advagg_relocate_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter dans advagg_relocate/
Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_relocate_js_post_alter dans advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Alter the js array.
advagg_split_css_file dans ./
Given a file info array it will split the file up.
advagg_validator_test_css_files dans advagg_validator/
Test all given files with the w3c validator.
advagg_validator_test_css_file_w3c dans advagg_validator/
Given a CSS file, test to make sure it is valid CSS.
_advagg_relocate_save_remote_asset dans advagg_relocate/
Parse the font family string into a structured array.