Given a list of files; return back the aggregated filename.


$files: List of files in the proposed bundle.

$filetype: css or js.

$counter: (optional) Counter value.

$bundle_md5: (optional) Bundle's machine name.

Return value

Aggregated filename.

2 calls to advagg_get_filename()
advagg_css_js_file_builder dans ./advagg.module
Aggregate CSS/JS files, putting them in the files directory.
advagg_missing_remove_cache dans includes/
Set cache value to FALSE.


./advagg.module, line 826


function advagg_get_filename($files, $filetype, $counter = FALSE, $bundle_md5 = '') {
    if (empty($files) || empty($filetype)) {
        return FALSE;
    global $_advagg;
    $filenames = array();
    $run_alter = FALSE;
    if (empty($bundle_md5)) {
        // Create bundle md5
        $schema = advagg_get_server_schema();
        $bundle_md5 = md5($schema . implode('', $files));
        $run_alter = TRUE;
        // Record root request in db.
        // Get counter if there.
        if (empty($counter)) {
            $counter = db_query("SELECT counter FROM {advagg_bundles} WHERE bundle_md5 = :bundle_md5", array(
                ':bundle_md5' => $bundle_md5,
        // If this is a brand new bundle then insert file/bundle info into database.
        if ($counter === FALSE) {
            $counter = 0;
            advagg_insert_bundle_db($files, $filetype, $bundle_md5, TRUE);
        // If bundle should be root and is not, then make it root.
        // Refresh timestamp if older then 12 hours.
        $row = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT root, timestamp FROM {advagg_bundles} WHERE bundle_md5 = :bundle_md5", array(
            ':bundle_md5' => $bundle_md5,
        if ($row['root'] === 0 || REQUEST_TIME - $row['timestamp'] > variable_get('advagg_file_last_used_interval', ADVAGG_FILE_LAST_USED_INTERVAL)) {
            // TODO Please review the conversion of this statement to the D7 database API syntax.
            /* db_query("UPDATE {advagg_bundles} SET root = '1', timestamp = %d WHERE bundle_md5 = '%s'", REQUEST_TIME, $bundle_md5) */
                'root' => '1',
                'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
                ->condition('bundle_md5', $bundle_md5)
    // Set original array.
    $filenames[] = array(
        'filetype' => $filetype,
        'files' => $files,
        'counter' => $counter,
        'bundle_md5' => $bundle_md5,
    // Invoke hook_advagg_filenames_alter() to give installed modules a chance to
    // alter filenames. One to many relationships come to mind.
    // Do not run alter if MD5 was given, we want to generate that file only in
    // this special case.
    if ($run_alter) {
        // Force counter to be looked up later.
        $filenames[0]['counter'] = FALSE;
        drupal_alter('advagg_filenames', $filenames);
    // Write to DB if needed and create filenames.
    $output = array();
    $used_md5 = array();
    if (variable_get('advagg_debug', ADVAGG_DEBUG)) {
        $_advagg['debug']['get_filename_post_alter'][] = array(
            'key' => $bundle_md5,
            'filenames' => $filenames,
    // Get all counters at once
    $counters = array();
    foreach ($filenames as $key => $values) {
        if (empty($values['counter'])) {
            $counters[$key] = $values['bundle_md5'];
    $result = advagg_db_multi_select_in('advagg_bundles', 'bundle_md5', "'%s'", $counters, array(
    ), 'GROUP BY bundle_md5');
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
        $key = array_search($row['bundle_md5'], $counters);
        if (empty($filenames[$key]['counter']) && $filenames[$key]['counter'] !== 0) {
            $filenames[$key]['counter'] = intval($row['counter']);
    foreach ($filenames as $values) {
        // Get info from array.
        $filetype = $values['filetype'];
        $files = $values['files'];
        $counter = $values['counter'];
        $bundle_md5 = $values['bundle_md5'];
        // See if a JS bundle exists that already has the same files in it, just in a
        // different order.
        //     if ($filetype == 'js' && $run_alter) {
        //       advagg_find_existing_bundle($files, $bundle_md5);
        //     }
        // Do not add the same bundle twice.
        if (isset($used_md5[$bundle_md5])) {
        $used_md5[$bundle_md5] = TRUE;
        // If this is a brand new bundle then insert file/bundle info into database.
        if (empty($counter) && $counter !== 0) {
            $counter = 0;
            advagg_insert_bundle_db($files, $filetype, $bundle_md5, FALSE);
        // Prefix filename to prevent blocking by firewalls which reject files
        // starting with "ad*".
        $output[] = array(
            'filename' => advagg_build_filename($filetype, $bundle_md5, $counter),
            'files' => $files,
            'bundle_md5' => $bundle_md5,
        // Refresh timestamp if older then 12 hours.
        $row = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT timestamp FROM {advagg_bundles} WHERE bundle_md5 = :bundle_md5", array(
            ':bundle_md5' => $bundle_md5,
        if (REQUEST_TIME - $row['timestamp'] > variable_get('advagg_file_last_used_interval', ADVAGG_FILE_LAST_USED_INTERVAL)) {
            // TODO Please review the conversion of this statement to the D7 database API syntax.
            /* db_query("UPDATE {advagg_bundles} SET timestamp = %d WHERE bundle_md5 = '%s'", REQUEST_TIME, $bundle_md5) */
                'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
                ->condition('bundle_md5', $bundle_md5)
    return $output;