Insert/Update data in advagg tables.
Tables: advagg_files, advagg_aggregates, advagg_aggregates_versions.
array $files: List of files in the aggregate as well as the aggregate name.
string $type: String; css or js.
int $root: Is this a root aggregate.
Return value
bool Return TRUE if anything was written to the database.
1 call to advagg_insert_update_db()
- advagg_build_aggregate_plans dans ./ - Replacement for drupal_build_css_cache() and drupal_build_js_cache().
./, line 25
function advagg_insert_update_db(array $files, $type, $root) {
// Record if a database write was done.
$write_done = FALSE;
// Loop through all files.
foreach ($files as $values) {
// Insert files into the advagg_files table if it doesn't exist.
// Update if needed.
if (advagg_insert_update_files($values['files'], $type)) {
$write_done = TRUE;
// Insert aggregate into the advagg_aggregates table if it doesn't exist.
if (advagg_insert_aggregate($values['files'], $values['aggregate_filenames_hash'])) {
$write_done = TRUE;
// Insert aggregate version information into advagg_aggregates_versions.
if (advagg_insert_aggregate_version($values['aggregate_filenames_hash'], $values['aggregate_contents_hash'], $root)) {
$write_done = TRUE;
return $write_done;