Prefixes all paths within a CSS file for drupal_build_css_cache().


array $matches: Array of matched items from preg_replace_callback().

string $base: Base path.

array $aggregate_settings: Array of settings.

Return value

string New version of the url() string from the css.

Voir aussi


2 calls to _advagg_build_css_path()
advagg_load_css_stylesheet dans ./
Loads the stylesheet and resolves all @import commands.
advagg_relocate_css_post_alter dans advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Alter the css array.
2 string references to '_advagg_build_css_path'
advagg_load_css_stylesheet dans ./
Loads the stylesheet and resolves all @import commands.
advagg_relocate_css_post_alter dans advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Alter the css array.


./, line 1737


function _advagg_build_css_path(array $matches, $base = '', array $aggregate_settings = array()) {
    $_base =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, '');
    $_aggregate_settings =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . '_aggregate_settings', array());
    // Store base path for preg_replace_callback.
    if (!empty($base)) {
        $_base = $base;
    if (!empty($aggregate_settings)) {
        $_aggregate_settings = $aggregate_settings;
    // Short circuit if no matches were passed in.
    if (empty($matches)) {
        return '';
    // Prefix with base.
    $url = $_base . $matches[1];
    // If advagg_file_create_url() is not being used and the $url is local, redo
    // the $url taking the base_path into account.
    if (!advagg_is_external($url) && variable_get('advagg_skip_file_create_url_inside_css', ADVAGG_SKIP_FILE_CREATE_URL_INSIDE_CSS)) {
        $new_base_path = $GLOBALS['base_path'];
        if (isset($_aggregate_settings['variables']['base_path'])) {
            $new_base_path = $_aggregate_settings['variables']['base_path'];
        // Remove first /.
        $new_base_path = ltrim($new_base_path, '/');
        $pos = FALSE;
        // See if base_path is in the passed in $_base.
        if (!empty($new_base_path)) {
            $pos = strpos($_base, $new_base_path);
        if ($pos !== FALSE) {
            $url = substr($_base, $pos) . $matches[1];
        else {
            $url = $new_base_path . $_base . $matches[1];
    // Remove '../' segments where possible.
    $last = '';
    while ($url != $last) {
        $last = $url;
        $url = preg_replace('`(^|/)(?!\\.\\./)([^/]+)/\\.\\./`', '$1', $url);
    // Parse and build back the url without the query and fragment parts.
    $parsed_url = parse_url($url);
    $base_url = advagg_glue_url($parsed_url, TRUE);
    $query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? $parsed_url['query'] : '';
    // In the case of certain URLs, we may have simply a '?' character without
    // further parameters. parse_url() misses this and leaves 'query' blank, so
    // need to this back in.
    // See
    // for more information.
    if ($query != '' || strpos($url, $base_url . '?') === 0) {
        $query = '?' . $query;
    $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : '';
    $run_file_create_url = FALSE;
    if (!variable_get('advagg_skip_file_create_url_inside_css', ADVAGG_SKIP_FILE_CREATE_URL_INSIDE_CSS)) {
        $run_file_create_url = TRUE;
    if (empty($parsed_url['host'])) {
        $base_url = ltrim($base_url, '/');
    $base_url = advagg_file_create_url($base_url, $_aggregate_settings, $run_file_create_url, 'css');
    return 'url(' . $base_url . $query . $fragment . ')';