Given an array of files remove that file if there is no associated db record.


array $files: Array of files returned by file_scan_directory.

Return value

array Array of files that got removed.

1 call to advagg_delete_files_if_orphaned()
advagg_delete_orphaned_aggregates dans ./
Scan CSS/JS advagg dir and remove file if there is no associated db record.


./, line 553


function advagg_delete_files_if_orphaned(array $files) {
    // Get the uri for the advagg_css/parts directory.
    list($css_path) = advagg_get_root_files_dir();
    $parts_uri = $css_path[0] . '/parts/';
    // Array used to record what files were deleted.
    $kill_list = $keyed_file_list = array();
    // Create a listing of all file names and associated hashes.
    foreach ($files as $uri => $file) {
        // Get info on file.
        $data = advagg_get_hashes_from_filename($file->filename, TRUE);
        if (is_array($data)) {
            list(, $aggregate_filenames_hash) = $data;
            // Check to see if the file is in the database.
            $keyed_file_list[$aggregate_filenames_hash] = $uri;
        else {
            // Check to see if this is a parts css file.
            $start = strpos($file->uri, $parts_uri);
            if ($start !== FALSE) {
                // Get the original filename.
                $original_file = substr($file->uri, $start + strlen($parts_uri));
                $original_file = preg_replace('/(.\\d+\\.css)$/i', '.css', $original_file);
                if (file_exists($original_file)) {
                    // Original file exists, do not delete.
            // Can not get data on file, remove it.
            $kill_list[] = $uri;
    if (!empty($keyed_file_list)) {
        $filenames_hash = array_keys($keyed_file_list);
        $aggregates_in_database = array();
        // Process in chunks when a large array is passed.
        do {
            // Check if the aggregate_filenames_hash exists in the database.
            $aggregates_in_database += db_select('advagg_aggregates_versions', 'av')->fields('av', array(
                ->condition('av.aggregate_filenames_hash', array_splice($filenames_hash, 0, 1000), 'IN')
        } while (count($filenames_hash));
        // Get values not found in the database.
        $to_delete = array_values(array_diff_key($keyed_file_list, $aggregates_in_database));
        // Add the file uri to the kill list.
        $kill_list = array_merge($kill_list, $to_delete);
    if (!empty($kill_list)) {
        foreach ($kill_list as $uri) {
    // Let other modules know about the removed files.
    // Call hook_advagg_removed_aggregates().
    module_invoke_all('advagg_removed_aggregates', $kill_list);
    return $kill_list;