PHP 8.4 Nullable Types

Up to date
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PHP 8.4 - released at the end of November 2024 - has deprecated implicit nullable types. For many years (since PHP 5.1), types on function arguments could have a default value of null provided even if the type itself was not nullable.

The Joy of Automated Tests

Date Reviewed

Automated tests are such a joy.  I have at times deleted tests but I've never regretted writing them. Today was a good reminder.

Getting the parent node of a Drupal 8+ node

Old but mostly relevant
Date Reviewed

There are some circumstances that you want to get data from the node one level up a menu from your current node. However, doing that is not self-explanatory since there isn't actually any direct relationship between the nodes. I'll be referring to the nodes as "parent" and "child" for simplicity despite this.